Spin the Harry 2.0 {11}

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Author's Note einundzwanzig:

Just a few things...

-I'm sorry that some of you are thrilled with the way I type out Niall's accent buuut tbh it's my story and ima do what I want <3 so quit being poopy & just roll wit it ,3

-what are your thoughts on my multiple point of view changes? i just like for you to know what's going on with everyone, PLUS, I really like you to see an outsiders perspective of Chialler from time to time =]

Dedicated to @RikkeKiegstad... stay strong <3 thank u for reading :)

[photo in the media section is of the twister game xD]

Chapter 11: Spin the Harry 2.0

|| j e t t a ||

I was only somewhat listening to the boys as they questioned Channing about her olive obsession before I spoke up, "Yeah... Channing eats olives like candy... Don't try to understand her twisted mind," I said with a laugh as I began opening cabinets looking for napkins. After a few moments of tedious searching, I finally found some in the silverware drawer; after doing a mini fist pump into the air I grabbed a handful. What can I say? I'm a pretty messy eater.

I turned around feeling excited and ready to devour my grilled cheese when I suddenly spied a huge bite mark on one of my sandwich halves. I immediately felt the steam coming out of my ears as I dragged my eyes up to the four fat asses who were close enough in range to have committed the crime. Three of the boys seemed to be focused still on Channing and her olives, but there was one who was just acting a little too cool, calm and collected as he crossed his arms, tapped his foot and began whistling.

"Louis!!!" I yelled accusingly. He quickly turned toward me, feigning confusion, but his act didn't last for long as I saw a smug grin playing at his lips and a mischievous sparkle in his pretty blue eyes.

"Yes, Jetta? Did you need something?" He asked trying to sound concerned. I wasn't buying his act for a second, not to mention I could still see him subtly trying to chew! As well as a few crumbs on his dark turtleneck. That little British bitch!

I slowly put my plate down, staring longingly at my sandwich for a second before I turned back to face him, "You have five seconds to run," I said, my voice full of malice. His eyes grew larger as he saw me raise my hand up to begin ticking off the numbers, "One... Two..." He actually spun around and sprinted away so I went ahead and skipped ahead in my counting, "... Five!" I yelled out and was immediately met with a frantic scream back, "Hey! That's not fair!" Lou yelled at me as I chased him into the living room, skidding to a stop in front of the couch that he was cowering behind, like a little girl I might add.

"Well, LEWIS... Sometimes life ain't fair!" I hissed back at him, purposely stressing the fact that I'd called him 'Lewis'.

His eyes then narrowed at me, "Ha ha.... Real funny," he replied trying to hide the fear in his eyes as I slowly approached the couch. He was watching me, trying to read which way I was going to go but I surprised him when I just ran straight forward and sprang over the small love seat.

His girly high pitched scream was instantly cut short as I tackled him to the ground, landing quite gracefully onto his unflexed stomach. He groaned loudly as my weight settled on top of him, he tried rolling over to throw me off, but I put my hands on his shoulders to keep myself in place.

He groaned again in an overly exaggerated, hoarse voice, "Can't... Breathe... Need..... Air!" Before coughing and sputtering a few times. Apparently my 130 lb frame was crushing the life out of him. Awe. What a drama queen. I mean I know I'm not a twig. But he probably outweighed me. Rude.

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