Serious as a Heart Attack... Oww! {7}

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Author's Note dreizehn:

Video to the right "I'm Just Trying to Unwind" it's all of Niall's dancing and being sexily adooorable! GO WATCH IT! so stinkin cute ugh.

- there are a lot of p.o.v changes sorry if u getting confuzzled

DEDICATED to @Thy_Dreamer for encouraging me to make this chapter extra long!! <3


Chapter 7: Serious As A Heart Attack... Oww!

|| j e t t a ||

It was nearly noon and Channing's lazy ass was still crashed upstairs in my bed. I was currently parked on the couch in front of the TV, stuffing my face with Cheetos and Dr. Pepper. I was absentmindedly channel surfing, and after flipping through a billion channels, I finally settled on good ol' Jerry Springer. Honestly, how can you not love this show? It always makes me feel better about my life. I sat there, totally captivated by the guests; they were sisters, both pregnant, and both by the same man. Ew... that's so disgusting.

As my mind got shivers because of how disturbing most of the guests on this show were, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I was expecting it to be a text from my boyfriend, but as I glanced down at my phone I noticed it was a Twitter notification; I was just expecting a new follower of something, however, I was quite surprised to see a direct message. A direct message from none other than Niall Mathafukin Horan. I seriously was bouncing around the living room, allowing myself to have a few moments to fangirl. Channing may have had too much pride to let herself fangirl.. but I had no pride whatsoever.

My eyes traveled the little screen, and as I read what he wrote, I about had another fangirling fit. Ohmygod. This cannot be real. Now I know what Channing's going on about... how could he go through all this trouble to find her? What the hell did she put in those letters? That she had a golden vagina? I mean, honestly... I understand wanting to help people... but, for the most part, people just tend to look the other away from those that are in need. I know Niall is a sweetheart, but... I don't know, maybe I'm just not giving him enough credit. Before replying, I carefully considered what I was going to say... I of course wanted to accept the tickets... Channing would probably die right on the spot; but I also wanted to make sure his intentions were honest and true;

@NiallOfficial Holy shit. I honestly just sat here staring at my phone for the last ten minutes trying to convince myself that you were some kind of fake account. You are Niall Horan. I'm sorry... give me a moment to collect myself *brb fangirling* OK... I think I'm better now, sorry about that. Of course I will help you... but can I ask you something? Why? Why are you doing this for Channing? She's been through a lot, you know.

Sometimes I had a problem with writing too much so I just tried to keep it short and simple, and added my number to the bottom. I was not about to text him first. I tapped the send button and then immediately felt my shoulders relax.

I sat there twiddling my thumbs staring at the clock on the wall, I was still having trouble with the fact that Niall Horan just sent me a direct message. For the past year, both Channing and I have tweeted them all constantly, and we were only noticed once. Ok, I guess I can't say "we" were noticed, but she was! God, she was so happy that day. I decided to shut my eyes for a moment as I rolled over on the couch and curled up under the blanket. I'm not sure how much time actually passed, but I was woken by my phone blasting my text message tone. At first my foggy brain didn't register what that could mean so I just rolled over again and shoved my head under the pillow. However, a few minutes later when my text message tone went off once more, my eyes popped open and I hastily searched for my phone that had slipped into the couch in between the cushions.

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