All Hail the Skittle Master {14}

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Authors Note siebenundzwanzig:

Writing this chapter made me feel sad, but I needed to do it so that it could lead my story into the direction I want it to go in D: Warning... includes abuse  (Nothing too graphic though)

-I try to keep this story light and fun, but of course there are going to be moments that are quite serious and at times, rather disturbing. I want you to remember that Channing is well rounded... so even though she's had a traumatic past... she's not so broken that she can't be funny, sweet & silly when the situation allows.

-Dedicated to @mynameisnotpedro for being so dedicated to this story and always leaving me comments <3 thanks girl!


Chapter 14: All Hail the Skittle Master


|| j e t t a ||


I felt the subtle rise and fall of a chest beneath my cheek... Which was odd since I couldn't even remember where I was. I felt incredibly disoriented. I peeked one eye open and took in my surroundings; looking down at my body, I immediately felt relieved that I was clothed, but then a little wary when I realized I was wearing someone else's clothes.

A soft rhythmic breathing was blowing against my cheek; my eyes slowly crept up toward the owner and I about choked when I saw who I was cuddled up against. Harry Styles... After a few moments of shock engulfed my mind, the fog cleared and I immediately remembered the events from the previous night. The memories of the concert, the twister game, joking with Louis... Talking with Harry.

I felt a small smile slip onto my lips as I looked up at the boy with the curly locks. His brow was slightly furrowed as he slept, it looked like it was scrunched up in concentration. I reached up and swept my finger along his brow, gently smoothing it out. His face immediately relaxed and he looked so young and peaceful.

I lay there, just watching this beautiful boy sleep. It was nice to just be able to look at him... To take in every detail. Photographs just don't do him justice. I was suddenly startled when I felt a chuckle rumble through his chest, vibrating against my hands which I just now realized were clutching his shirt rather tightly. I loosened my hold on him and gazed up into his smirking face. Although his eyes were still shut, he had a sly smirk etched across his lips.

For a second I thought I'd imagined his laugh, however I jumped once again as I heard his raspy voice flood my ears, "You know, Jetta... It's not polite to stare..." He said as he peeked one eye open. I was thankful for the darkness of the living room because I knew my cheeks would be burning. I'm not a fan of being caught oogling someone... While they sleep.

My attention was immediately drawn to the kitchen when I heard a loud bang and some Irish cursing floated out from around the corner.

Harry's gravelly voice rang out... Giving my body shivers and my ears a mini orgasm, " You alright in there, Ni?" He asked into the darkness.

We turned our heads waiting for a response and were met with a sheepish looking Niall, peeking his head out from around the corner, "Sorreh... Did I wake yeh?" He somewhat whispered.

I was about to dismiss his worry when Harry beat me to it, "No, actually, I was woken up by some strange woman fondling my face... But how did you sleep Niall?" He asked rather casually considering he just accused me of... Face-fondling. I swear. I want to punch him in the throat sometimes. Or the balls. Yeah... balls.

Harry's eyes wandered down to meet mine as he waited for Niall's response. My arm was still draped across his stomach so I took it upon myself to pinch his side. Pretty hard. He immediately jumped while whisper-screaming, "Shit!" I was giggling and would probably have fallen onto the floor had his arm not been wrapped around my waist.

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