Oh, Sweet Perfection {26} [mature]

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Author's Note einundfünfzig

(small rant regarding wanking leprechauns, read at your own risk)--
So, I get on twitter/IG & see all this chiz about a Japanese girl catching Nialler wanking...? C'mon guys... I thought we were over this... let the poor boy wank in PEACE.
Seriously, he has to be the most paranoid motherfucker in the universE... probably constantly afraid that someone's watching him through the window or hacking into his webcam...
but can u blame him? if I were spending 300+ days of the year with people who looked like Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry (not to mention seeing my beautiful irish face in the mirror erryday)... then I'd have to violently masturbate as well #sorrynotsorry #letniallwank

In akotw related news: someone has started a Janning/Chenna ship...
I think I'm just gonna throw them all in a room so they can have a massive orgy party.
Would that make you pervy pandas happy? o.O
rotflmfao... I love all of you little weirdos.

Dedicated to @shannon_the_writer48 cus she's a really active reader... always commenting and voting. I just really love enthusiastic readers! ahh!
let's be honest... enthusiasm makes the worLd a better place!!!!1111!!!!

cHECK out
the media section to hear the song Niall "writes" for channing...
& look at the pic as well... mmm... imagine that sweaty, beautiful leprechaun serenading you...
[le swoooon] <3

 BEWARE... Chialler sex scene coming atcha. <3

Chapter 26: Oh, Sweet Perfection


|| c h a n n i n g ||

As Niall fell asleep with his ear against my heart, I smiled down at him, stroking his back lightly. I studied the gash in his lip and immediately felt horrible that he got hurt, I should have just been honest rather than tried to hide what really happened.

When Niall took that punch in the face I about went postal on Tate for taking such a cheap shot. Ni is strong, I know he is and could probably have held his own a little bit in a fight, but when the guy takes a shot at you when you're not even looking... that's just complete bullshit.

I'm not even sure what came over me as I slapped Tate across the face, all I could think about was how he punched Niall and kicked him while he was down. I was terrified of the damage Tate could have inflicted on him, therefore my mind had no say in the actions that my body enacted.

At first, I thought Niall would be upset with me for trying to stand up for him... but he surprised me in the fact that he treated me like an equal. Just as he tried to protect me, he also let me try to protect him... and that just warmed my heart a little. Most men held too much pride to let a women stand up for them; I was just happy to find out that Niall wasn't like that. He seriously was a carefree mofo... my carefree mofo.

I continued running my fingers through his hair, drawing a few unconscious groans from his lips, apparently, he liked the sensation. I smiled, giving him one last hug before relaxing my head back on the pillow. A smile remained on my face as I drifted away; it still scared me that he was leaving in two days... but I couldn't let myself worry about it. All I could think about was his warm breath blowing against my chest; for the first time, I felt like I had a beautiful life, all because of this beautiful boy... and I would do everything I possibly could to keep him in my life.




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