Que Sera, Sera {12}

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Author's Note dreiundzwanzig:
I hope you like this chapter- it's sweet and just focuses on Chialler (Channing & Niall's ship name duhh)

Dedicated to @thetomlinslut because she's commented and voted for a lot of my chapters & is just fab :)

BTW... the video in the media section is Doris Day singing Que Sera Sera  (pronounced KAY SURAH SURAH) <3

[fyi, the words are altered at the end so Niall wouldn't sound silly.]


Chapter 12: Que Sera, Sera


|| n i a l l ||


Her lips tasted of vanilla and it was something that I would never get enough of; after our short kiss, we pulled apart and I was just looking at Channing as we shared a quiet moment together, right in the middle of the living room. I was honestly surprised no one had jumped on us yet. Her hair was still draped over us, but had started sliding off of my face, so I scooped it up in my hand and brushed it over her shoulder, freeing us both. Being able to see her face without the shadow of her hair hiding it was actually a relief, especially since her eyes were no longer puffy from crying earlier. Her cheeks were red and warm though from the alcohol. I wasn't exactly drunk, but I was tipsy. Chan on the other hand, I'm pretty sure she was a little ways passed tipsy; I didn't want to get too hammered because I wanted to make sure Channing felt comfortable... I wanted her to feel she could trust me... and that I could keep her safe.

I heard hushed whispering coming from behind me and so did Channing, so she propped herself up by leaning on my chest as she called out, "Hey Jet what's up?"

"You're alive!" Jetta said faking excitement, but the laughter quickly left her eyes and was replaced with another emotion... worry.

Channing ignored her comment, "What're you guys doin'?" she slurred in a sleepy voice. I still lay on my back, since I was now pinned under Channing, and the arm that I had draped around her waist found some skin that was peeking out so I absentmindedly began brushing my fingertips back and forth over her exposed hip. She tensed up for a moment, but didn't ask me to stop so I kept doing it. After a few seconds, I could feel goosebumps, and I smiled at the fact that I was giving them to her.

Chan cleared her throat, probably trying to focus on the others and not my wandering hands, "Jetta..." she trailed off uncertainly.

Jetta smiled, "Well the good news is, apparently you guys are 'OFFICIAL,'" she laughed and did air quotes, "So congratulations," she said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes, but didn't mind at all. I really cared for Channing, but I didn't want to take it faster unless she wanted me to. Regardless, I was already dreading the hate that she was bound to get. I don't know how I'd be able to handle it; honestly, if my fans got to the extremes that they sometimes do over Eleanor, I'm not kidding when I say I'll snap. It'll be much worse than Lou and his little Twitter fits as well.

Jetta shrugged her shoulders slightly as she continued, "Everyone's twitter's are just blowing up after tonight, and I was nervous to how you'd handle the attention. You know very well how... unpleasant some directioners can be," she explained while twisting her hair around her finger.

I realized I hadn't checked Twitter since the concert either; so I adjusted Channing by rolling her off of my hip so I could quickly retrieve my phone. I was happy to see Channing scurry back to resting against my chest as she looked on at my phone as well. As soon as I opened my twitter app, I braced myself for the worst, I was especially nervous since Chan was curious and wanted to see as well.

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