I'm Tired and it's Wintah {6}

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Author's Note elf:
Video to the right is What They're Really Thinking Episode #5 (Watch it if you want to laugh <3)

Dedicated to @NiallsPotatoes because of all the wonderful comments she leaves me :) thank you!

Chapter 6: I'm Tired and it's Wintah

|| c h a n n i n g ||

The swirling visions taking place beneath my eyelids were a combination of fantasies and memories of the past. Some memories good, some bad. I was reliving a time when my mother and I were practicing on her guitar together when I heard my name being called and felt gentle shaking on my shoulder. I pried my eyes apart for a split second to see Jetta's face, mere inches away from mine. She had a mixture of excitement and nervousness etched into her expression as she continued to gently shake me, since I'd already closed my eyes again.

"Chan, come on! I really need to show you something," she whispered in my ear.

I rolled over slightly and grumbled, "But I'm tired and it's wintah."

Jetta started laughing, it was our go-to phrase when we didn't feel like doing something, much like Harry Styles didn't feel like getting his make up put on in that one video.

"Sleepyhead, it's not even winter! And I wanted to wake you hours ago, this is IMPORTANT," she said as she started repeatedly poking me in the cheek.

I peeled my eyes open again and looked at her alarm clock, "Jetta, it's freaking 6am. I don't think anything is important enough to drag my ass out of this bed right now... but nice try," I said in exasperation as I dragged the blankets over my head.

She didn't bother me anymore after that and I thought she was just going to leave me alone, so I started to actually drift back to sleep. After a few minutes, however, I felt a weight on the side of the bed and she threw the blankets off of me. I opened one eye and glared at her, she just smiled and reached for my face, squeezing my cheeks together so my mouth was contorted, "Channing, stop being a pain in the ass. I swear, this is going to make you shit yourself," she said, rather seriously.

I, however, began laughing, "Uh... OK Jetta... graphic." I reluctantly sat myself up so that my back was resting against the headboard, and Jetta swiftly dropped the laptop into my open lap.

"God what has you so excited?" I questioned, my voice dripping with irritation.

She just gave me a smug, closed mouth grin and motioned toward the screen.

I rolled my eyes and looked down, trying to focus on the small text.

Once my fuzzy morning vision began to clear and I could make out what exactly I was looking at, I honestly thought my eyeballs were about to pop out and roll off the bed. WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON.

Twitter was blowing up and from what I could see, a majority of the tweets had my name in them, as well as Niall's. I thought I was going to start hyperventilating.

"What is this..." I mumbled to myself as I clicked on a few different tweets and looked at them.

"Channing! Niall is looking for you! HE'S TRYING TO FIND YOU!" she said excitedly. For a split second, I allowed myself to fangirl, but the smile immediately slid off my face when I thought about how much exposure this was getting. Was he doing this because he really cared? Or did the band do it for publicity? Why would he bring such attention to this?

Jetta was still sitting next to me, buzzing in my ear with excitement as I sat, trapped in my mind, having a mini-freak out, "You have to reach out to him!" she said as she clapped her hands together, but I immediately began shaking my head back and forth.

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