A World With No Demons

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The sun was finally rising up into the sky, with many demon slayers injured or dead from the war. Muzan was trying to escape, but his skin was turning into dust. Everyone started cheering, some tending to the injure. Many of the Hashiras passed away from the battle, and Giyu Tomioka was looking for Tanjiro. When he did, he was shock.

Tanjiro was on his knees, missing one of his arms, and his head down. 

"He isn't breathing, and there's no pulse" one of the helpers said

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"He isn't breathing, and there's no pulse" one of the helpers said. They started sobbing and Giyu still couldn't believe this was happening. He sat in front of him, saying "I've failed to protect you again."

"I always receive protection from others, so please forgive me" Giyu said, as a human Nezuko was running towards them with tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry" Giyu said. Nezuko ran up to him and said "Tanjiro! Big bro, please wake up! I'm here, I'm human again!" Nezuko said, but Tanjiro didn't respond. "Why... Why do bad things happen to good people?" Nezuko said.

While everyone was crying, Tanjiro was slowly dying. 'We did it. We defeated Muzan, he's finally gone' Tanjiro said in his head. 'I'm sorry I won't be able to see you again Nezuko. I'm sorry I won't get to spend time with you guys, Inosuke, Zenitsu. I didn't even get to see Kanao to see if she was ok.'

Soon it became dark and Tanjiro sigh. 'This is it, I'll get to be with Mom and Dad, and everyone else that loss their life.' He saw a light, expecting to see his family again. Instead he saw a cart go by him as he was standing in a village like place.

He saw that he had his left arm again, and he was still wearing his demon slayer uniform. 'Where am I? I was sure that I died after Muzan killed me' he said in his head. He began walking around, looking around. As he was walking around, admiring everything, he bumped into somebody. "Sorry!" Tanjiro said, bowing in front of them. "It's fine, I'm sorry" said the person. She had white hair and had a white dress.

 "I have a question, what is this place?" Tanjiro asked. "Oh, this is the kingdom of Lugunica. If you're lost, I can help you" the white hair girl said. As they were talking, a small blond girl was walking around them. She quickly snatch something from the white hair girl and began running. "Hey!" the white hair girl shouted and Tanjiro was shock. 

He started running after her, shouting "Hey, give back that thing!"

Using his strong scent of smell, he was tracking the girl by tracking her scent. She jump over a building and Tanjiro jump over the building as well. The girl turned around and saw that Tanjiro was still on her trail. 'Did he seriously jump over that building as well!?' she said in her head. The girl jumped down the rooftop as Tanjiro was already behind her. "Give back what you stole from that girl!" Tanjiro shouted as he tackled the girl to the ground.

He was pinning her down the ground with her arms behind her back as he was trying to grab the insignia that the girl hold tightly in her hands. "Let go of me!" the girl shouted at him. "Not until you give back what you stole!" Tanjiro told her. "What's going on here?" they heard a voice. They look up and saw a red hair man in a white uniform. "This man is attacking me for no reason!" the girl said. "That's not true! This girl stole something from a girl and I was just trying to return it back to her!" Tanjiro said,

"It's true" they heard another voice. The white hair girl came down the alley and the red hair man recognize her. "Miss Emilia" he said. "I wasn't paying attention and this girl took my insignia out of my pocket" the girl now known as Emilia said. "She took your insignia!?" the knight said. He knock out the girl with a hit to the neck by his hand, shocking Tanjiro. "Why did you do that?" he asked him. "So I can take her to ask her questions" the man said as he pick up the little girl. "My name is Reinhart, what's yours?" 

"Tanjiro Kamado" Tanjiro answer the knight's, Reinhart, question. He nodded his head and said "I hope we meet again some other day." He walked away as Emilia walked up to Tanjiro. "Thank you for what you did. Is there anyway I can thank you?" Emilia asked him. "No, their isn't" Tanjiro said as he then remember that he was new to this place and needed a guide around the new kingdom that he was in. "Actually, can you show me around? I don't really know a lot about this place" Tanjiro asked her. "Oh, sure" the girl said as they walked out the alley.

Time Skip brought you by Emilia showing Tanjiro around the kingdom while also introducing Puck to him. 

The sun was setting as the two spend the whole tier day going around the kingdom. "Thank you for showing me around" Tanjiro said. Puck yawned as he said "I'm going to rest." He then went inside of Emilia's necklace as Tanjiro was shock. "Wow, he went in that necklace that he came out of" Tanjiro said. Emilia nodded her head and said "Puck's a spirit, so he needs time to rest so he can recharge."

"What's a spirit?" Tanjiro asked her as she explain to him what they are. They heard footsteps behind them as they heard someone said "Excuse me." They turn around to see a black hair women in revealing clothes. "Hello, do you need help with something?" Emilia asked her. "Yes, my name is Elsa. Earlier I told a little girl to go fetch me something but she never came back, so now I'll have to get it myself" the women said. Tanjiro sniff the air a bit and thought 'She has a scent that she intends to kill!'

The women vanish but Tanjiro blocked her with his sword. "Oh, you're a swordsman? What are you, her knight?" she asked him as Tanjiro pushed her back. "Why do you want to kill her!?" Tanjiro asked her. "She has something that I need to require. If you get in my way, I'll just have to collect your organs" Elsa told Tanjiro. Tanjiro stood there as he sniff the air, trying to read her new move.

The women dashed at him and he blocked it and pushed her back before running at her and slashed her arm. Elsa groan in pain as she dashed at Tanjiro. "Hinokami Kagura: Raging Sun!" Tanjiro shouted as his sword ignited in fire before he slash out two slashes. Elsa got injure from the stomach and her other arm as she put some distance between her and Tanjiro. 'What is this kid!? First it seems he can predict my moves, and now he can use flames on his sword!?' 

While she was thinking in her head, Tanjiro appear in front of her and she barely blocked his attack. She pushed him away and shouted "I'll be back to get your organs!" She ran away as Tanjiro thought 'Did someone ask her to retrieve Emilia's insignia? If so, who?'

"Thank you so much for protecting me from that woman" Emilia said to him. "It's ok Emila" Tanjiro said. They saw that it was almost night and Emilia asked "Where are you staying?"

"I just got to this kingdom, so I don't really have a place to stay" Tanjiro told her. "If you want, you can come stay at my home" Emilia told him. "Your home!? I can't, I just met you and I don't want to be a hinderance" Tanjiro told her. "It's ok, you helped me get my insignia back and save me from an assassination" Emilia told him. Tanjiro didn't know if he should accept the offer or find another place to stay. 

'I still don't know a lot about this world. Having a friend right now would really help' Tanjiro said in his head. "I think I'll accept your offer" Tanjiro said to her. 

They made it to the mansion where Emilia took him to a room. "You can stay here" Emilia told him. "Thank you, if you ever need anything just tell me" Tanjiro told her. "I should be the one telling you that" Emilia said. Tanjiro went in and he took of his haori, folding it, and placing it on a chair. He got on his knees next to his bed, as he begun his prayer. 'I hope everyone is safe. Hopefully I defeated Muzan, and I hope Nezuko was able to turn human. Please everyone, hold on until I can get home again.'

He then got in bed and fell asleep.

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