Heading To The Capital

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"Ok, like this" Tanjiro said as he stretch to the left as the villagers copied him. Tanjiro was hanging out with the villagers and he wanted all of them to do an activity together. He then began puffing out his chest and said "And you got to breath like this." Emilia was watching from the side as she was giggling from what she was witnessing. After Tanjiro was done, he gave out little stamps to the children. He started walking back to the mansion with Emilia by his side. "It seems the children really love you" Emilia told him. 

"It's not hard to get along with kids. All you do is play with them and have fun with them. Plus I have always been good with kids" Tanjiro told her. When they got back to the mansion, a carriage was park in the front. "Is someone here?" Tanjiro asked. They got close to the mansion where an old man walked towards them. "I'm sorry for parking in front of your mansion, I would like to talk to you, Miss Emilia" the old man told them.

"Oh, ok. Tanjiro, you can go inside. This is just about the royal selection" Emilia said as Tanjiro nodded his head. He went inside as Muzan began speaking to him. 'That girl is no good, I can feel it' he told him. "Of course you don't, the only person you care about is yourself" Tanjiro told him. 

"Are you ok Tanjiro?" he heard behind him. He turned around and saw Yoriichi standing there. "I'm fine, I was just talking to Muzan" Tanjiro told him. Yoriichi nodded and said "I'm guessing miss Emilia is preparing to announce her plans to the elders." Tanjiro stood there confused, not knowing what he meant. "What plan?" he asked him. "You don't know her plan?" Yoriichi asked him as he shook his head.

"Well, each one of the royal candidates are suppose to tell the elders their plan on what they want to do when they become ruler. I worked for each one of them and they all told me sum up versions of theirs. I wonder why she didn't tell you, especially since you're her knight" Yoriichi said, making Tanjiro question himself. He has been Emilia's knight for a while now, but in fact he knows nothing about her.

He doesn't know her past, he doesn't know where she was born, or why has people compare her to Setella. 

Time Skip brought you by Tanjiro helping around in the mansion

They were now on their way to the capital as Emilia now has a meeting to attend to there. "Since you are miss Emilia's knight, you have to attend as well Tanjiro" Roswaal told him as he nodded his head. The three of them got out of the cart and headed inside what seem to be a giant building. "Um Emilia, I have a question" Tanjiro told her. "What is it?" she asked him.

"Um, what is your plan for the kingdom?" Tanjiro asked her making her realized she hadn't told him her plan. "Oh, well. My plan has to deal with where I come from" she told him. "Where you come from? Did something bad happen to it?" he asked her. She looked down and said "Yes, I'm hoping that by become queen that I will save the place that I come from." Tanjiro smile and said "And I'll be there to help you." Emilia smile at him before Tanjiro ask "So, do you have any other plans?"

Emilia didn't answer and said "Actually, I hadn't gotten that far." That shock Tanjiro. 'They'll never elect her if all she wants to do is save her home! I need to help her!' he said in his head. He then got an idea and said "Emilia, I got an idea."

After telling her his plan, they went inside. Tanjiro looked around him and realize there were so many people there. "Tanjiro, you have to stand with the other knights" Emilia told him, as he nodded. He headed over there to only find someone he knew. "Is that you Tanjiro?" Reinhart asked as he spotted Tanjiro approaching to his location.

"Reinhart! It's nice to see you" Tanjiro told him as they shook hands. "What are you doing here?" Tanjiro asked him. "I'm a knight for one of the royal candidates, how about you?" he asked Tanjiro. "I'm also here as a knight for miss Emilia" Tanjiro told him. "You became Emilia's knight!? I didn't know you were a swordsman" Reinhart said. 

Everyone then went silence now that the ceremony was about to begin. 

A/N: So, I don't remember what exactly happen in this scene. I just know that they insulted Emilia so Subaru got mad at them. So I'm going to do a little bit of my own thing before they start insulting Emilia, hope you guys are ok with that.

"Miss Emilia, would you please tell us what would you do if you would become the ruler?" one of the judges said. Emilia turn to Tanjiro and he nodded his head. She nodded back and she turn back to the judges. "If I become ruler, then I'll get rid of all ma beast!" she told them, shocking everyone. "You'll get rid of the ma beast, how?" the judges asked. Emilia turn to Tanjiro and said "With some help." Tanjiro nodded and he put his fingers in his mouth before whistling. The door open revealing the other demon slayers there.

They all started walking down the row as Tanjiro join them. "These people are known as Demon Slayers. They have experience in dealing with ma beast and are specialized in killing them. I know it doesn't look much but trust me, these are some of the bravest and strongest people I have ever known." Tanjiro stood next to Rengoku and whisper "Sorry for the last minute plan."

"It's fine Tanjiro, I think this might actually help Emilia with the votes" Rengoku whisper back. "And when I become ruler, I'll make an army that specialized in killing ma beast. They'll be train by these people and I know that we can make this country a better place. We can start by killing the white whale" Emilia said as then no one said anything. All of a sudden, everyone began to laugh.

The demon slayers were surprise by their reaction, hoping for a more welcoming reaction. "You think that these people can take on the white whale?" one of the judges said. "They look like normal citizens in some weird clothing."

"Besides, we don't only have to worry about the ma beast and the white whale, but also the witches cults. But maybe the reason you didn't mention that was because you might be connected to one of them." Everyone got quiet as Emilia just stood there. "I'm not related to Setella" she told them. "But looks at the facts, my dear. You are a half elf in which Setella was too. I think with that fact alone, citizens are not going to vote for you. So it'll be best if you leave the election." Emilia stood there shock as she just wanted to leave, until Tanjiro walked next to her.

"Shame on you guys! How dare you make judgments on Emilia without even knowing her!" he shouted at them. "Tanjiro, what are you doing?" Emilia ask him but he didn't hear her. "Emilia might be a half elf, but she's also a sweet person. She has been nothing but supportive to all those around her. Even if it's someone she doesn't know, she'll take her time to help them. Emilia is just that type of person!"

"Also, how dare you think that we can't defeat the white whale! I have defeated over a hundred demons which are on the same level as them! While I'll bet that none of you have actually seen a ma beast in your life, because you're so scare of meeting one! But with our help, no one will have to be afraid of them! So please, stop judging Emilia just because she's an half elf, and actually listen to the plan she presented!"

The room was silent once again as a man walked towards them. "How dare you insult the knights like that!" he said as the other knights tapped the floor with their swords. "If you guys are knights, then I rather be known as a demon slayer than one of you cowards" Tanjiro told him. "Miss Emilia, please calm down your knight! If he doesn't calm down then he'll have to be escorted outside!" one of the judges shouted. "Now that seems unfair. If you kick out Young Kamado, then you'll have to kick out that knight as well!" Rengoku said.

"What!? But I'm only telling that boy that he can't just come in here and insult us like that! He's the one who's-"

"Enough!" one of the judges shouted. Everyone was quiet as they spoke again. "We will continue with the ceremony, but not another word from any of you two." Tanjiro and Juilius agreed and were silent for the rest of the ceremony. When the ceremony finished and everyone went outside, Tanjiro approach Julius. He bow and said "I'm sorry for being rude to you and being disrespectful to you and your knights. I'm only new to being a knight and I don't like the fact people are disrespecting Emilia without ever getting to know her. I hope you accept my apology!"

Julius was a little shock on how this boy just came up to him and apologize so easily. "Since you do seem new to this whole knight thing, I'll let it slide. But I won't be so easy to accept apologizes next time."

Julius walked away and Tanjiro watch him walk away. 'Base on his scent, I know he means well for the people of the kingdom. Maybe he's a little like Genya when we first met' Tanjiro said in his head.

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