White Whale

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"You're planning on killing the white whale!? Do you guys really think you can do it?" Rem asked them. "Theirs's a chance. I just need to know what it looks like and how big it is" Tanjiro said to Rem. "The white whale looks like any other whale but it can fly. And it's white" Rem said. Tanjiro nodded and said "It looks like we have one problem: I don't know what a whale is."

"Me neither!" Rengoku said, making Rem go get a book about animals. In the book she showed them what a whale looks like. "They're pretty huge mammals that live in the ocean" Rem told them as Tanjiro and Rengoku looked amaze on what a whale look like. "And they're suppose to be huge?" Rengoku asked her. "Yes, maybe as a big as this mansion we're staying in" Rem told them. 

"But if it's a sea animal, why is it blocking our path?" Tanjiro asked her. "The white whale can fly" Rem answer his questions. "Oh, that makes sense now" Tanjiro said. He then got a smile on his face and said "This shouldn't be a problem to the demon slayers!"

"Are you sure Tanjiro? I don't know about the demons in your world, so I don't know if they can be compare to the white whale" Rem said. 'Idiotic girl. How dare she thinks I'm lower than a whale' Muzan said in Tanjiro's head. "Trust me Rem, we've been through a lot in our world. I know we can handle this by ourselves" Tanjiro told her. Rem didn't say anything for a bit before nodding. "Ok, I trust you guys" she told them. "I'm going to go start packing then." She walked away as Tanjiro and Rengoku went to go gather the others.

Time Skip brought you by this

The carts were ready to go and the demon slayers were ready to leave

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The carts were ready to go and the demon slayers were ready to leave. Crusch came out of her mansion and walked to Tanjiro. "You guys are leaving already? Even though you guys should know the white whale will be in your way" Crusch asked Tanjiro. "We are. Right now, my friends in the mansion are in danger. I need to go to make sure they're safe" Tanjiro told her. 

Crusch nodded her head and said "It was nice knowing you, Tanjiro." 

"We're ready to go!" Rengoku said as Tanjiro nodded and they got on the two carts before riding away from the mansion. It took them a while as everyone in the carts were getting ready for their battle. The carts stopped as Tanjiro asked Rem "What's going on?" 

"The ground dragons are sensing something. The white whales must be near" Rem told him. Tanjiro nodded as he sniff the air. 'I smell something dark coming here' Tanjiro said in his head. They park their carts near a giant tree as Gyomei said "Something is coming." They heard a noise that sounded like a animal call. They all looked up and saw a giant whale cover the moon light from them. 

"There it is" Tanjiro said as everyone took out their blades. Tanjiro sniff the air and was already predicting what was the white whale going to do. "It's coming down here!" Tanjiro said as the white whale was heading down towards them. They all jump towards it as they began slashing it, using their breathing techniques.

Rengoku used his flame breathing to slash it multiple times as Shinobu was behind him doing the same thing. Obanai was running towards its front as he slash its eyes, making it scream in pain. "Get off of it!" Tanjiro shouted as everyone jump off of it. They all landed on the ground and the white whale came coming down. "We did it!" Tanjiro said as everyone began celebrating. 

Genya looked up in the sky and his eyes widen. "Um, guys" he said as everyone turn to him. "Look" he said, pointing to the sky. They all look up as they saw in horror that there were two more whales in the sky. "How is this possible?" Mitsuri asked. "I've never heard there were three white whales!" Rem said. 

"But it's just two more! We can take on the other two as well!" Tanjiro said. 'I won't let any of these whales get in my way to save the others!' Tanjiro said in his head.

They all jump towards the other white whale and began slicing it. "Guys, I think the one that's above us is the real one and that it just split into two!" Rem said. "This is just like upper moon four all over again!" Genya said. "Someone help me get up there!" Tanjiro shouted as Gyomei picked him up and threw him towards the whale. "Hinokami Kagura: Solar Heat Haze!" Tanjiro shouted as he slash at him, but it look like it missed the whale. All of a sudden, it felt a slash all over its body. It shouted in pain as it began heading to the ground.

"Do it now!" Rengoku shouted as everyone slice the giant tree in the half using their breathing techniques. As the white whale was heading to the ground, the tree crashed onto, killing it. Tanjiro was falling down in the sky as everyone on the ground was trying to see where he was going to fall. 'I need to focus on my landing so the others can catch me!' Tanjiro said in his head.

He began balancing himself in the air as he was getting close to the ground. "Catch him!" Rengoku shouted as they were able to catch Tanjiro safely. Tanjiro looked around as he saw that he was in the arms of his trusted comrades. "Did we kill it?" he asked them. Everyone turn to the corspe of the white whale and saw that it wasn't reacting anymore. "Yes we did" they told him. Tanjiro smile as he cheered. "We did it!" he shouted in the air.

"We saved this land from this horrible monster that has been probably been hunting this lands for centuries" Gyomei said. "We should celebrate!" Mitsuri said. "We can't right now. First, we need to get back to the mansion and see if everyone is alright" Tanjiro said. Everyone nodded their heads as Tanjiro thought 'Emilia, Ram, Puck, Roswaal, Beatrice, we're almost there. Hopefully Mr. Yoriichi is still protecting you guys.'

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