The Past And The Present

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'What happen?' Tanjiro asked as he was standing in the same place he would appear in his dreams. He began looking around and shouted out "Muzan!" He didn't get back any responses so he began looking for the demon king of pop.

"Muzan!" he shouted again, and still got no word back. He suddenly saw a crack of light and he said "What is that?" He began walking towards it, entering inside it. In the outside world, Muzan was currently looking at a man who he would never want to meet again. "No, you're here too!? That doesn't make any sense! You die over thousands of years ago! You should be old and easy to kill! Instead you're standing in front of me in your youth of prime!"

'Who is this man? He looks like Tanjiro, he even has the same mark on his head' Rengoku said in his head. Yoriichi began walking towards Muzan as Muzan said "You can't hurt me! If you do, then you'll also take this boy's life!" Yoriichi didn't say anything but instead respond with him raising his blade. 'I don't stand a chance with him! This time even if I try to escape, he won't let it happen again!' 

"Fine, I'll give back the boy!" Muzan shouted as Tanjiro's body fell to the ground. Yoriichi got a closer look on Tanjiro and thought 'He has my earrings, and he looks like Sumiyoshi. I wonder if he also knows Sun Breathing.' Tanjiro started moving again and he sat up. "Tanjiro, are you ok!?" Rengoku said as he ran to him. "I'm alright, but what happen?" Tanjiro asked. "You were being control by Muzan" said a voice next to him. He turn and saw Yoriichi standing there.

"You're Yoriichi Tsugikuni! You were the man who almost defeated Muzan in the past!" Tanjiro said. "I'm surprise you know my name since it has been a long time since I've died" Yoriichi said. He turn to Rem and said "Are you a maid of the Roswaal manor?" 

"Yes I am" Rem answered him. "Good, I have a meeting with miss Emilia" Yoriichi said. He turns back to Tanjiro and said "Is your last name Kamado?" Tanjiro nodded his head and Yoriichi said "So, you must be a descendant of Sumiyoshi Kamado. Since you know my name then it's most likely you know those earrings used to be mine." Tanjiro nodded his head and Rengoku asked "It's nice meeting you sir, but do you know why Muzan started taking over Tanjiro's body?"

"I don't know. I think the only one who might know is Muzan himself, but maybe young Kamado here might know as well" Yoriichi said as he turn to Tanjiro. "When we were fighting Muzan, he absorbed me into his body. I don't know what happens next but I was sent here" Tanjiro said. Suddenly his eyes turn red and said "It's because I was suppose to take over your body and make you the new demon king! But it seems something happen and we were sent here!"

Everyone got in a fighting stance and Yoriichi said "Give young Kamado his body back." His eyes went back to normal and Tanjiro said "What just happen!? It was black again but now I'm here!" Tanjiro said. "It seems Muzan can control your body" Yoriichi said. "I remember him saying that Tanjiro finally let his guard down when he saw Rengoku get caught in that garbage slide. Maybe if Tanjiro has his guard back up again, Muzan won't be able to come out so easily" Rem suggested. 

"That doesn't sound like a bad plan" Yoriichi said. "Tanjiro, make sure to not let your emotions get you. If you do, then Muzan will be able to get out again." Tanjiro nodded and said "Alright!"

"I have a question. If Muzan is inside Tanjiro, then could Tanjiro use some of his powers?" Rengoku asked. Tanjiro's eyes went red and he said "I would never let this boy use any of my powers. I want to see him suffer as he watch his friends die slowly in front of him." Yoriichi grabbed his blade and Muzan went away.

"It's getting late, we must go back to the mansion" Rem said. The three of them went back to the village where they picked up Muichiro. 'This boy. He has almost the same aura as me. Is he a descendant of Michikatsu?' Yoriichi asked. "So, if Muzan is here, then that means he's dead in our world?" Yoriichi asked. "Yes sir, I defeated him" Tanjiro said as he felt a headache. 'No Muzan, not this time!' Tanjiro said in his head,

"He's trying to control you again, isn't he?" Yoriichi said. "Yes, but it is an honor meeting you sir. You made the first ever breathing technique and then taught it to others" Tanjiro said. "I shouldn't get credit for all of this. It's still my fault that I let Muzan get away and that my brother turn into a demon. Because of me, demons still took lives of people over thousands of years" Yoriichi said. "But you saved lady Tamayo who helped us defeat Muzan. Plus it was your techniques that I use to defeat him."

Yoriichi nodded and he turn to Rengoku. "Are you a flame breather?" he asked him. "Yes I am, I'm Kyojuro Rengoku!" Rengoku told him. "Rengoku!? I actually knew your ancestor, I taught him how to use flame breathing."

"Wow, so I should be thanking you for this gift!" Rengoku said. "You still call it a gift, even though it means that you'll have to go risk your life to fight demons?" Yoriichi asked him. "Yes, because I was able to use it to protect so many people." They made it to the mansion where inside Emilia was walking in circles. She turn to the door when it open and saw them enter. "Tanjiro!" she said as she ran and gave him a hug. 

"Are you ok Emilia!? Is something trying to hurt you!?" Tanjiro said. "No, I was just worried about you" she told him. She look and saw Yoriichi standing there. "Mister Tsugikuni! I'm so glad you're here" Emilia told him. He gave a little bow and said "I'm here to be your guard for a while."

"Guard?" both Emilia and Tanjiro said at the same time. Yoriichi nodded his head and said "Yes, mister Roswaal called me. He said that threats have been coming to you, so I'm here to help you. I was protecting Ms. Crusch, but I was only suppose to be her guard for two weeks. So now you're my new employer."

Emilia nodded and said "Thank you for coming, but I don't think extra protection. I have Tanjiro protecting me." Tanjiro shook his head and said "Emilia, you should accept his help." She turn to him and asked "Why?" 

"He's the only one here that can control the demon inside me" Tanjiro told her. 

A/N: Finally updated this story. I know it's been a long time but it's the reason on why most of these stories don't updated: Because I was working on other stories. Hope you enjoy these two chapters and expect a chirstmas special tomorrow. Have a nice holiday.

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