chapter XLIX

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"Pick your jaw off the ground kid." He said walking past me.

I turned off my lightsaber and turned on the light.

"What? How? How are you here?" I asked.

"You really know nothing of the force." He scoffed.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"I am a force ghost." He simply said.

"You're dead!? When did that happen?" I exclaimed as a million questions raced through my head.

"Did you not pay attention to the whole dream?" he asked.

"I did but it was a dream. That wasn't real..." I said.

"If only." He sighed sitting down on my bed.

"Why are you here?" I questioned.

"You needed to see the truth and I'm here to warn you." He began.

"Truth?" I said.

"You didn't know about any of those things from the dream because they were kept from you by Kylo Ren and General Hux." He said.

"No. That's impossible. I have been on this cruiser and nothing like that has happened. You must be wrong. General Hux or Kylo...they would have told me." I responded.

"You can't be that ignorant. They're evil, y/n. They tried to destroy the Resistance." He went on.

"You're wrong." I said.

"I am right, and you know the truth deep down, but we don't have time. Ren hasn't felt my presence yet, but he will soon." He said.

"What do you need to warn me about?" I asked.

"Palpatine. He has returned." He said.

I broke out laughing.

"Now I know this isn't real. Come on wake me up." I continued laughing.

Luke stared at me.

"I'm serious." He said, exasperated.

"Emperor Palpatine died when the Empire was taken down. Darth Vader, your father, he helped you kill Palpatine and return balance to the Force." I reasoned.

"Palpatine has found a way to cheat death and has returned."

"The darkness!" I interjected.


"My brother he's been searching for the source of a rising darkness." I said.

Luke cringed when I said my brother.

"Kylo Ren is not your brother." He said.

"Kylo may not be my brother but Ben is and he's still there." I responded.

"Ben Solo is gone. He turned on me and our family. He died when he joined the dark side and Kylo Ren was born." He argued.

"Ben is not gone! I've seen him with my own eyes!" I said.

"Yeah because Ben would hold you hostage here." Luke continued to argue.

"He can still go back to the light. I've seen the light in him." I defended.

"He killed your father!" He raised his voice.

"and you killed him! You turned on him and the rest of our family!" I shouted.

Luke stopped.

"He told me the truth." I said.

I sat down next to Luke.

"He was just a scared kid whose master failed him." I said, softly.

Luke looked at me. I could see the regret and guilt in his eyes.

"You're right... I've made many mistakes in my life but that was the biggest one. I just don't want you to follow the same path." He said.

"Me? Why would I go down the same path? I have dedicated my life to the Resistance and to the light. I'm only here to protect those I love." I assured him.    

"I came here to warn you about Palpatine. You will aid in bringing him down but there will be a time where you will want to turn to the dark side. Do not let yourself be seduced like your brother." He went on.

"I wouldn't." I said.

"You are strong in the Force like all those with the Skywalker blood and with that a lot of people will want to bring you to their side. Stay true to the light and keep on your path." He said.

"I will." I promised.

He nodded and smiled. He looked relieved.

"I must go before Kylo Ren senses me... stay safe kid." He smiled softly.

"Uncle Luke! Wait! Why would I turn to the dark side? What could they possibly offer?" I asked.

"I can't tell you but the reason for your decision will reveal itself soon." He said before vanishing.

I sat in my room staring at the spot where Luke once sat. Tears came crashing down like a flood as my mind began to overflow with all the information, he had just given me. General Hux and Kylo lied to me. That wasn't possible but why would Luke show me such horrible things if they didn't happen?

I felt trapped in my room and I stood up to go outside and get some air. I wiped my eyes as I opened the door.

"General?" I exclaimed.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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