chapter XIV

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I woke up bright and early, well at least I tried to. I woke up early to find my body aching everywhere, so I decided to sleep away to pain. I woke up around noon when I was hungry. I got dressed in the comfiest clothes I owned, which was a big green jacket and some baggy pants. I was in too much pain to really care about my appearance, but I also tried to look relatively alive. As I walked down the hallway, I bumped into 3PO.

"Good morning your grace." 3PO said, alarm in his voice.

"Morning, 3PO." I answered.

"Are you alright? Do you need me to call someone to help?" he asked.

"No. I'm fine. Don't worry." I said trying to make my way around him.

"You don't look like yourself. Are you sure you don't need anything?" he insisted.

"Nope. Just need some food which I'm on my way to get." I said.

"I'll join you." He said.

I was too tired to even care as we made our way to the cafeteria. As I walked to a table while 3PO chattered away, I saw Poe and Finn speaking in the distance.

"Hey!" I waved at them.

I desperately needed someone to save me from 3PO and I hadn't spoken to them since before the accident.

I sat down and looked up at them. Finn was walking towards me with a friendly smile while Poe grudgingly walked behind him.

"Princess! You're alright. I'm sorry I couldn't check on you yesterday. By the time I had a moment to see you it was late, and I figured you needed your rest." Finn began.

"Yeah, I wondered when I'd see you guys." I replied.

"Well here we are." Poe said, avoiding my eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Finn asked.

"As well as a person who got blasted can be feeling." I giggled.

I winced grabbing my side, somehow the wound felt more sore than yesterday.

"Be careful." Poe said, alarmed.

"It's okay, it just hurts sometimes but I'm fine. I promise." I said.

We kept talking until I finished my food and I excused myself.

"y/n, wait!" Poe shouted as he walked after me.

"Yes?" I said, turning around to face him.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry." He said.

"Sorry? For what? There's no reason for you to be sorry." I said, puzzled.

"I wasn't fast enough. I couldn't protect you." He said holding my hands in his.

"Oh." I paused.

"It's not your fault. I can protect myself and I'm still here." I said, lightheartedly.

Although, I didn't see the big deal, I could see he was actually sorry and felt guilty.

"I meant it when I said I was alright. There's no reason for you to feel guilty about what happened." I smiled.

He didn't say anything as he just hugged me.

We parted and I returned to my quarters. As I sat in my chair looking off to the distance, I remembered the kiss. I shouldn't have done that. I thought to myself. We were friends, once upon a time we may have been more but that's not the case anymore. Nonetheless, I still kissed him and that meant that this is what I wanted, right? But although I loved him more than words could express my heart yearned for another. Not someone I knew but someone who I would meet. Someone who would sweep me off my feet and be the missing piece of my heart.

I was torn. I didn't even know how he felt about it not to mention I didn't even know how I felt. These thoughts just kept running through my head as I thought of everything we went through. With these thoughts I fell asleep on my desk only to wake up with the worst pain on my neck. I stood up from the chair and walked over to the mirror to see the mess that I was before showering and changing for the new day that awaited me.

I decided to try to take a walk around. I was bored out of my mind. Nearing the hangar, I began to see a lot of chatter. I wondered what was up, so I walked inside.

"y/n, what are you doing up?" Poe said running over to me.

"I was about to go crazy inside my quarters. What's going on here?" I asked.

I saw my mother from afar. There was a ship docked in front of her. Then a Wookie walked out of the ship.

"Is that..." I trailed off as I neared the ship.

Poe ran after me.

"Mom." I shouted as I got near the ship.

I couldn't believe my eyes it was the Millennium Falcon.

"Your father's ship." She said smiling looking at the ship fondly.

The Wookie moved closer to us.

"Chewie. It's very nice to see you." Leia said.

Chewie went in for a hug from my mom. They parted as my mother turned to me.

"This is y/n. Remember her." She grinned.

Chewbacca made a noise that sounded like he was saying yes but I wasn't sure. I didn't speak Wookie.

I extended my hand for a handshake, but he pushed my hand away.

"I'm sorry." I said before he wrapped me in a hug.

"Oh! It is very nice to meet you!" I smiled.

                ─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I know that Harrison Ford was so happy that Han Solo was killed off but I don't think I've recovered from that yet (。>﹏<。)

Hope you enjoyed it and make sure to vote!

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