Field Trip

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Peter's POV

I woke up to a pillow being whacked across my head. I opened my eyes and saw Wanda kneeling over me. I stole the pillow from her hand.

"Hey." She laughed. I grabbed her waist and flipped her over. I placed both my hands on the other side of her head, resting on the pillow, as my body rested on hers. I pressed my lips against her and she kissed me back, wrapping her hands around my waist and pulling me closer to her.

"You were gonna be late." She smiled as she kissed me again.

"Oh was I know. Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I chuckled and kissed her again.

"Because." She than kissed my cheek. "You." Kissed my other cheek. "Looked." Than my forehead. "So." Than my nose. "Peaceful." She than planted her lips on mine again.

"I should sleep peaceful more often." I laughed. I kissed her forehead and got off of her. She sat up and rested her head on the palm of her hands and stared at me as dug  I through the drawers.

"You are just so hot." She mumbled. I stopped digging through my pants and looked over to her. I wanted so bad to just grab her body and strip us both. But I knew we didn't have the time for it, sadly.

"I mean I can say the exact same thing about you Baby." I smirked. I found my pair of jeans and a white shirt, with a blue flannel. I faced her again and she was now looking at me with a pouted lip.

"Do you have to go?" She whined. I just sighed and placed my clothes on my desk. I walked over to her and she held out her hands and spread her legs. I stood in between her legs and my arms wrapped around her neck and hers wrapped around my torso.

"Sadly I do. But when I come back." I than leaned down and kissed her neck."I will make it unforgettable." She let out a little moan and I kissed her neck, than her jaw until I made it to her lips.

"I love you Peter." She gasped as she kissed me deeper.

"I love you to Wanda." I smiled and gave her one last kiss, before standing up and leaving her. I walked over to my desk and stripped off my sweat pants and slipped on my other clothes.

"How do I look?" I asked as I looked at my self in the mirror. I watched in the reflection of the mirror. As Wanda stood up from the bed, her red hair a mess, her body looking smoking hot in her matching white pajama set. She rested her hands on my shoulder and looked into the mirror.

"You look great." She smiled. I grabbed her waist and spun her around so she would face me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"PETER!" We heard May yell.

"Shit." I huffed. I moved away from the mirror and scrambled around my room to find my backpack and books. As I was packing my textbook, I had a weird feeling go through my body.

"Peter what's wrong?" Wanda asked. She always new something was off about me before I even had a chance to speak.

"I don't know...but I'm gonna bring my suit to school. I feel like I'm gonna need it." I explained. She looked at me confused and I ran to my closet and placed the suit in my bag.

"Is everything okay? Should I be concerned?" She asked all worried. I looked to her and I could see she looked terrified. I ran over to her and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Don't be scared Wanda. Nothing is going to happen. Sometimes my spider sense just acts up." I chuckled.

"You mean your Peter Tingle." She corrected me with a giggle. I just rolled my eyes playfully and brought her into a hug.

"I love you Wanda and I will see you later." I gave her a quick kiss and grabbed my backpack.

"Bye Peter. I love you to!" She yelled before I closed my door.

When I got to school. We did attendance and all entered the bus. I sat one seat behind Ned and listened to music all the way to the Smithsonian.

We arrived and filed out of the bus. Me and Ned stuck together as we explored the museum. Seeing the Steve exhibit was so cool. His backstory and his whole story was just so interesting to me, I mean he would always talk about living in the 40's with Bucky. When Bucky was around, before he went missing. Him and Steve would talk about there time in the war and how they fought Hydra. I always loved hearing there stories and I know Wanda felt the same.

We continued to walk through the museum and we came across a little pressure plate you would stand on and it would light up your face, in an empty soldiers face. I went to step on it when I was elbowed in the back and I hit the wall.

"You might be to short for that Parker." Flash laughed. I just huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Asshole." I whispered.

"You should let Wanda beat his ass." Ned exclaimed. I just nodded my head.

"Yeah I really should." I laughed.

For the rest of the day we just hung out at the museum and than at the end we went to an arcade and flashbacks of me and Wanda's first date came into mind, and what followed after. I started smiling and began to get lost in mind.

"Peter?! Peter? Are you there?" I heard Ned call out. I snapped back to reality and he was waving his hands in front of my face.

"Sorry. Sorry. I was lost in thought." I rambled.

"You should be lucky it was me than and not the Flash that broke your trance." Ned said.

Finally it was time to go home. I again sat in the same seat and listened to music. When we started driving over a bridge, in an instant I felt my spider sense, or as Wanda calls it. 'Peter Tingle.' all my hair on my arm stood up. I raised my head and looked out my window.

Floating above the ground was a giant doughnut looking space ship. I reached my hand forward began to whack Ned in the face. He turned to me and his eyes immediately saw the ship.

"Ned I need you to cause a distraction." I stated.

"WERE ALL GONNA DIE!" He yelled as he stood up and ran to the back of the bus. Everyone followed after him.

"That works." I hummed. I opened my bag and found my mask. I quickly slipped it on and I shot a web onto the lock of the window, I pulled on it, causing the window to drop open. I swung forward and dived out of the bus, swinging below then bridge than over New York.

Wanda's POV
I was finishing sweeping, when the tv caught my attention. In the corner of my eye, I saw a space ship looking thing. I dropped my broom and jumped over the couch. I saw Tony, Bruce and two other guys.

"I need to help!" I exclaimed. I jumped up and ran into me and Peter's room. I tore through my closet, till I found my suit. I slipped off my jeans and shirt and slipped on my suit. I grabbed my phone and slipped it into one of the new pockets. I grabbed an ear piece from a box sitting on our desk. I slipped it in my ear and opened the fire escape. I climbed through and made my hands glow. I began to fly through the air, until I saw Tony below me. I flew down and stood next to the four guys.

"Kid!" Tony exclaimed.

"Hey Fella's." I smiled. The two newbies looked at me confused and I just looked forward. A beam of light hit the ground and two alien looking creatures appeared.

"What the hell." Me and Tony said in unison.

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