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Peter's POV

We all walked outside the ship. We learned that their group were called the 'guardians of the galaxy'. They said they were missing a few members, we said the same. Also out of pure luck, that Quill guy is also named Peter.

"The hell happened to this planet? It's eight degrees off it's axis. Gravitational pull is all over the place." Quill said as he held this weird glowing orange thing in his hand. As he was saying that, I was just looking around and saw the girl named Mantis just jumping up and down, the off gravity taking her higher in the air than it normally should.

"Yeah, we got one advantage. He's coming to us." Mr Stark said. "Well use it, all right. I have a plan. Or at least the beginnings of one." I started walking over to Mr Stark. "Its pretty simple. We draw him in, pin him down and get what we need. Definitely don't wanna dance with this guy. We just want the gauntlet."

Drax than let out a yawn and I just turned to face him.
"Are you yawning?" Mr Stark yelled, with anger."In the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down, huh? Did you hear what I said?" He questioned annoyed.

He just looked away. "I stop listening after you said. 'We need a plan'" He confessed.

"Okay. Mr Clean is on his own page." Mr Stark said to Quill.

"See, not winging it' isn't really what they do." Quill shared.

"Uh, what exactly is that they do?" I asked.

"Kick names, take ass." Mantis answered.

"Yeah, that's right." Drax backed her up.

"I am so gonna die." I muttered to my self. Mr Stark let out a very defeated sigh and I just ran my hand through my hair.

"All right just get over here please?" Mr Stark asked. "Mr Lord, can you get your folks to circle up."

"Mr Lord." Quill mocked. "Star lord is fine." He than motioned for his group to come over. Now we were all standing in a circle.

"We gotta coalesce. Cause if all we come at him with a plucky attitude..." Mr Stark began.

"Dude." Quill cut him off. "Don't cull us plucky. We don't know what that means. All right, we're optimistic, yes, I like your plan. Expect it sucks, so let me do the plan and that way it might be really good." Quill argued.

"Tell him about the dance-off to save the universe." Drax commented. Quill looked to him very annoyed and sighed.

"What dance-off." Mr Stark asked.

"It''s nothing." Quill stammered.

"Like in footloose, the movie?" I asked.

"Exactly like footloose." He said all excited. "Is it the still the greatest movie in history?" He asked.

"It never was." I said. He looked at me disappointed.

"Don't encourage this, all right?" Mr Stark said to me."

"Okay." I mumbled.

"We're getting no help, from Flash Gordon."

"Flash Gordon? By the way that's a compliment. Don't forget, I'm half human. So that 50% of me that's stupid...that's a 100% you." Quill said while waving his finger at us.

"Your math is blowing my mind." Mr Stark said sarcastically.

"Excuse me. But does your friend often do that?" Mantis piped up. We all turned to see Strange. He was sitting crossed legs, floating in the air, his head was flaying around, as green magic flowed over his arms.

"Strange, we all right?" Mr Stark yelled. He didn't respond and we all ran over to him. He suddenly stopped and let out a giant gasp. Mr Stark quickly came to his aid.

"You're back, you're alright." Mr Stark said.

"Hey, what was that?" I asked.

"I went forward in time, to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict." Strange acknowledged.

"How many did you see?" Quill asked.

"14, 000, 605." He replied. I stared at him with wide eyes.

"How many did we win?" I asked. Scared for the answer.

"1." He sighed.

"Shit, no, no." I muttered and began to walk away.

"Kid?" Mr Stark asked.

"I need a minute." I said and walked off. I sat on a rock and tears again started to fill my eyes.

We win 1 out of 14 million, how is that even possible. All I want, All I need is Wanda by my side right now, giving me the comfort I so desperately need.

"Hey." I heard Quill say. I turned my head confused as to why he would be here. He took a seat next to me and I continued to look at him confused.

"Stark told me that you have a girlfriend." He started off saying. They were probably wondering why I walked off and to what reason.

"Yeah..." I said hesitant.

"Well I got one to, her name is Gamora. She was taken by Thanos. So that's why we flipped out on you guys. Sorry bout that."

"It's okay. I would have probably done the same if my girl was taken."

"What's her name?" He asked with curiosity.

"Wanda." I replied, a smile creeping up on my face. "She is back on earth and I hope she is safe and sound with Avengers." I shared.

"I bet she is." He said. I knew he was doing his best to comfort me and it was barley working.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"Hey, now let's look out for each other. We each have girls to go home to after this." He said happily.

"Yeah, I guess your right." I said with a slight smile.

"Let's go." He said as he stood up. I followed suit and we got back to the group, where he began to tell us his plan.

Wanda's POV

As I was watching from the window, I could see Wakanda's army's lining the battle filed. Hundreds of men and woman, ready to fight. Steve, Nat, and Ta'Challa were walking towards the barrier, ready to talk to two alien people. I could see Sam and Rhodes flying through the air and Sam flew by the window. He gave me a smile and I placed my hand on the glass he did the same.

"Be safe." I smiled.

"You to." He smiled and than flew off. I slowly removed my hand and pictured Peter's resting on mine. Holding tightly as we protected each other and fought alongside.

"How's it coming?" I asked Shuri, still facing the window.

"I am just barley began to start." She confessed with a stressed tone. I turned to face her and walked over to the table.

"Is there anything I can do to help." I said as I looked at Vision, I gave him a quick smile and than looked at Shuri.

"I'm sorry but no."

"It's okay." I reassured her. I went back to looking out the window and saw these weird looking dog/alien/ugly looking creatures trying to break through the barrier and some where. They began shooting at the few making it,
When to my surprise part of the barrier opened up, letting hundreds in at once. Letting them roam the battle field.

"Peter I wish you were here right now." I whispered and clutched onto my jacket.

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