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Whitty was a very lazy person, so he didn't even bother to change his clothes from yesterday.

Besides, he didn't even have any clothes that fit him except the ones from Carol yesterday. But carol said don't look at them yet so he didn't.

All he did to get ready was take a quick shower, brush his beautiful.. rope/fuse on his bomb head, and brush his teeth.

Until then, he stayed on his phone until it was 4:00 P.M., looking through social media or playing boring mobile games.

Whitty looked at the clock.
3:57 P.M.
Staring at the time patiently, he waited for the minutes to pass by.

3:58 P.M.

3:59 P.M.

4:00 P.M.-

Whitty stood straight up from his couch and out the door from his temporary room to the door of his apartment. He took his bluetooth mic, keys, cash, 8 inch switch blade, and phone.

You might be wondering, where is he going? Well, Whitty asked Keith to meet up in one of his favorite spots ever.

Whitty walked to the end of the alleyway, seeing his little 'home away from home.'

To others, it wasn't the best, but nobody could explain how much Whitty loved this place. Nobody came down here, so it was where he could get out and be alone. Not only that, but it's more quiet than the city outside in the right of the alleyway.

Whitty has even slept here a couple times.

He examined the dark alleyway, noticing a newspaper on the ground.

Whitty picked it up, afterall Keith wasn't there yet so he needed something to distract himself.

He noticed that the date of the newspaper was.. pretty old. Back about 12 years ago...

The date.. was the exact date of the day his true home got destroyed.

Whitty bit his lip, opening the newspaper to see what this was about.


Multiple test subjects that were born raised in a lab at ####### were tested on their whole life without anyone knowing. They didn't even know that the testing being done on them was truly hurting them.

How did this get out into the public, you may ask? Well folks, according to the famous ex-rockstar we all know of, Daddy Dearest, a great friend of his worked at the lab and that's how he found out what was being done there.

Daddy Dearest claimed he wanted to try and save them all, so he managed to gather all the test subjects within the inside of the lab.

It was too late though. One of his people rebelled against him, setting a bomb off and exploding the whole place.

Daddy Dearest told the whole public, on the brim of tears, "I felt so so terrible for all the souls that were lost in that place. Not a single survived. Forgive me that I didn't achieve my goal of saving those innocent souls. Rest in peace for the young and old lives we lost today."

Ever since then, everybody has praised Daddy Dearest for his attempt of saving the test subjects. People all around are very grateful to have someone like h-

The rest of the newspaper was cut off.

"Thank you berry." [Whitty x BF; Bombeep fanfiction] OLDWhere stories live. Discover now