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A couple weeks passed by, making atleast one month. Things were going great. A couple days after Pico, Whitty, and Keith visited Alucard and Cassandra in jail, they had a serious talk with Pico about everything, and he seemed to have understood. Which was surprising in a way. Especially the part where Keith and Whitty were soulmates. Whitty wanted to kind of share the news in an understanding way, but Keith decided to sit on his lap and kiss him infront of Pico as a way of telling him. It was embarrassing for Whitty, and for Pico honestly, but Keith highly enjoyed it.

They talked to Cherry about Cassandra and she admitted a couple things, so Whitty and Keith thought it was fair for them to admit a couple things too. This time, Keith didn't jump on Whitty and kiss him, bit instead hugged his arm, which made Cherry go mad with her fangirling issue.

If you're wondering about Carol, Whitty and her still text a lot and they did plan a meeting where he would come out to Carol about his relationship with Keith as well. She got a little emotional, remembering what happened at the sleepover and still feeling guilty, but felt relieved that Whitty was with someone great now and accepted the two. Whitty was grateful for it. Of course, it has only been a month, and Whitty still felt a little awkward coming out in public that he was in a relationship with the popular Boyfriend, because he knew lots of stuff was going to spread around. Keith didn't mind who he came out to, but respected Whitty's wishes. Although, there was one person Keith felt nervous coming out to... And that's where they are going today.

"I should really get a car soon, shouldn't I? I can't help but feel bad using your car all the time." Whitty asked Keith, hands on the steering wheel. "Come on Whitty, we've talked about this. It's our car now. That's why I let you drive this time. And besides, I think you should get out of that hotel of yours first before you plan on getting a car." Keith said, giving Whitty a smile. Whitty sighed, smiling back.

It was silent for a bit, before Whitty spoke up again.

"I know you don't mind coming out to anyone about our relationship because you have no shame and all... but I couldn't help but notice how nervous you've been. You can talk to me, berry." Whitty said worriedly, using Keith's nickname he made for him. Keith slouched back in his seat, not hiding his anxiousness anymore.

"You know we are heading to my parent's house, right? I've told you about them before, that they are just richies that care about their reputation and money, not even about their own kids. I've never truly got to have any sort of serious talk with them. That means they never knew, and still don't know, that I've liked men since I was 13. I'm 19 now, Whitty. I guess you can just say I'm scared and worried they won't accept me..." Keith said, looking down. Whitty leaned over and put his hand over Keith's, still driving though.

"I know I'm still not good with all of this emotional stuff, but remember that I'll be here with you every step of the way. If they don't accept you, their kid, for who you are, then they can go suck a dick. If they try anything, I'll always be here to back you up. If they accept you, then I'll show them who you belong to now." Whitty grinned, half joking on that last part.

Keith also grinned, playfully pushing his hand away while blushing. "Whitty-!" Keith giggled, before pulling Whitty's hand back just so he could reach Whitty's face and give him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you baby, that means a lot to me." Keith said warmly.

Whitty was the one blushing now, as he just kept on driving. "Baby? I think you're more of the baby here, shortie." He smirked. "Hey! I may be short, but I'm not that short!" "Whatever you say, baby."

The car stopped infront of a huge house on a hill. It's not exactly a mansion, but it was pretty fucking huge. Pillars were infront, holding up a huge balcony. A beautiful garden was out too. Everything was made out of wonderful and expensive quart bricks. Whitty was in slight astonishment, but got used to it. Keith was already used to it, simply just staring at it with a blank expression. Although a high gate surrounded the place, with cameras here and there. They seemed to have a button on it with a small speaker. Keith looked nervous, as Whitty just put a hand on his hand as comfort. Whitty reached his other hand out of the window, and pressed the button. A strange zap was heard, and a minute later a voice spoke.

"Thank you berry." [Whitty x BF; Bombeep fanfiction] OLDWhere stories live. Discover now