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Whitty shuffled around a bit, before opening his eyes. He was awoken by the sense of a bright light shining above him. He noticed he was in Keith's bed, and didn't have any problems remembering what happened last night.

'Those bastards..' Whitty thought, sitting up and rubbing his head. He turned his head to the bright blue speck across the room, which resulted in being Keith's hair. He stood next to the light switch, booty shorts on and a simple white t-shirt. He had his usual apron on to that Whitty has seen a couple times staying at Keith's place when he cooks. A smile was plastered on his face as he beamed at Whitty.

"Breakfast is ready! You should get up and come down before it gets cold." And with that Keith walked out the doorway. Whitty rubbed his eyes, getting up.

"Okay mom." He said, sarcastically, as he grinned. He walked out the room and down the stairs, crouching down. He was met with Keith facing the opposite direction, sitting on the bar stool, munching on pancakes. Looked like blueberry.

Whitty took this chance to crouch down and surprise hug Keith from behind, wrapping and squeezing his arms around Keith. Keith jumped, glancing at Whitty before giggling.

"Wah!- Whitty! I was expecting you to take a moment to get ready before coming down like you usually do." Keith smiled as Whitty turned the surprise hug into an embrace, resting his head on Keith's shoulder.

"Well, I was excited to see you." Whitty mumbled into Keith's shoulder. "Uh huh.. Sure you were. Or was it the food that got you down here so quick?" Keith rolled his eyes playfully as Whitty glanced at him, pouting, before it changed into a smirked.

"How dare you assume that I'd choose food over you? You deserve a punishment." Before Keith could saying anything else, Whitty starting tickling Keith in the stomach. "PFFFffftt! HEHAHhahahhe! Okay okay! I-Im sorry!!" Keith stuttered over laughs. Whitty didn't stop there though, knowing Keith's neck was the ticklish. He stopped tickling his stomach, but held him down on the stool. Then he began kissing all over his neck, causing Keith to become a giggling mess. Suddenly, the front door slammed open.

"ALRIGHT KEITH! Something happened and I want to know wha—" Pico paused, holding two guns, causing Whitty and Keith to pause what they were doing too, although Whitty kept his arms around Keith and his face in the crook of his neck as he stared at Pico.

"Uhhhhhmmmmm, you know what, I'll leave you two to do that.. Tell me when you're done. Imma just–.." Pico awkwardly stepped out the front door, shutting it. This caused Keith to be a blushy mess now.

"Noooo! It wasn't like thaaat!" Keith shouted, knowing Pico couldn't hear him though. "Hmmm~ It could be though.." Whitty mumbled, licking Keith's neck slightly. "Hmm..~ N-no! N-not.. now Whitty!" Keith stammered, his neck being a sensitive spot. Whitty huffed, before kissing Keith's cheek and letting go of him.

"Wait a second... You didn't just get up from bed and come downstairs did you?" Keith questioned Whitty, facing him. "Yeah??" Whitty responded.

"Tsk tsk, you better get your ass upstairs right now and brush your teeth. It's a terrible and unhealthy habit, and I want you on a good schedule mister. Stinky breath is gross." Keith lectured, shooing away Whitty. "Ugh, whatever mom." Whitty rolled his eyes, before going upstairs to the bathroom.

Keith went back to the front door to open it, finding Pico leaning against the wall smoking. He put it out though, noticing Keith.

"Wow, did it in 5 minutes? Not even I've done it that fast." Pico smirked as Keith blushed. "It wasn't like that!!!" "Whatever you say shortie."

Keith rolled his eyes, letting Pico in and welcoming him with some pancakes. Whitty came downstairs, shrugging at the sight of Pico, talking a plate of some pancakes himself. He had 2x more than the others though. Everyone was used to it by now though.

"Thank you berry." [Whitty x BF; Bombeep fanfiction] OLDWhere stories live. Discover now