546 22 19

The cool wind flew swiftly against and around them.

"Well, that was fun. I still have some time left, so let's head inside. It's getting cold." Carol smiled her first genuine smile Whitty's seen this whole time. Any others looked sad are forced.

Carol turned to face the doors of the apartment building, until Whitty grabbed the upper part of her arm gently.

"Actually Carol, I wanted to talk to you about something if you don't mind."

Carol's smile faded as a worried look struck her face, just like as if a mom was worried about their child.

"Of course. You can talk to me about anything Whitty. I hope I didn't cause you any trouble. What's up?" Carol said in her usual calm and chill voice. A tint of worry could be heard within it.

"I just noticed your behaviour today, you acted a little off when Keith was here. Anything on your mind? You can also talk to me about anything y'know." Whitty replied.

Carol looked away, biting her lip.

"There's nothing wrong Whitty, I'm just not used to you having any other friends over that's all." Carol spoke as she continued to look away.

Whitty always knew Carol was a terrible liar.

"Please Carol. I can see straight through your words, y'know. You can trust me."

Carol sighed in defeat and then chuckled, finally looking at Whitty in the eyes again.

Whitty knew Carol never liked eye contact, so this is how he knows she's telling the truth and being serious.

"I just.. feel replaced. I know I've been urging you to make more friends besides me for a while now, but when I heard you confessed your traumatic experience with Keith and stayed the night at his house in just a matter of days. I guess I just got jealous, and felt like I wasn't needed or wanted anymore. You have a new friend now.." Carol admitted with teary eyes. Carol has terrible anxiety and she pinches spots on her hands to calm her down, which is what she was doing now.

(A/N: that isn't canon, I just made her do that because it's an anxiety tic for me too-)

Whitty grabbed her hands gently and crouched down to her level, a serious, yet genuine and guilty look was struck on his face.

They continued to lock eyes as Whitty spoke softly to her.

"Carol. I will never ever replace you. Ever. You have stayed and helped me all these years of my life. I would never leave you just because I'm getting close with someone else. I promise, we will stay together and for as long as you wish. Everyone has their falls, so will we, but I'll be by your side until I die. Alright Carol?" Whitty spoke with the most genuine and kind voice hes had in awhile as he smiled.

Carol blushed a little from seeing his smile after a long time, yet a tear fell down her face as she pulled Whitty into a warm and tight embrace and snuggling into him.

Whitty was shocked to see her cry, he barely ever saw her cry. He didn't know how much their friendship meant to them. Whitty comforted the smaller girl, heating his body up since it was cold outside.

Carol then pulled away a tint of blush still remaining on her face.

"Thank you, I'm sorry Whitty.."

"Oh shush, you're going to turn into me if you apologize to much."

"Oh yeah? And what are you?"

"Hey, personal info here. That's for me to know, and you to figure out."

"Pfft, whatever. Personal info my ass."

As they continued their little convo, a car pulled up with Hex and Dalia in it.

"Welp, Imma head out. Thanks for everything Whitty." Carol said as she hopped in the car with her window down.

"No problem Carol. Thanks for the clothes too, see you around." Whitty said his goodbyes, waving at Carol including her other friends in the car too. Whitty didn't get to know them enough to consider them his friends too.

Speaking of clothes, Whitty worse his new Attack on Titan t-shirt, his normal navy jacket over it unzipped though, with jeans.

Hex who was in the back of the car waved enthusiastically, as usual, with a bright grin on his TV screen head. Dalia also have a big smile as she honked the car at him and then drove off with a happy Carol in the passenger seat.

After they left, Whitty didn't bother going back inside. Instead, he walked to his alleyway.

When he walked in, it was just how he wanted it to be, besides the dried up puke. He'll clean that up later.

Whitty sat down in his corner, the silence and breeze of the wind put him at peace as he zoned out into his thoughts.

That was when a got a ding on his phone, a text message from Keith.

"Hey Witty! I was wondering if you wanted to meet at the skate park tomorrow at 2:00 if you're free. If not, that's fine too! text me when you make your decision ;p (^∇^)ノ😋"

Once again, Whitty chuckled as he thought the emojis were adorable. Same with the grammar mistake Keith made in Whitty's name.

Whitty texted back an "alright see u tomorrow" and got the urge to send a heart but scrapped that since he was a nervous wreck when it comes to those things.

Whitty set his phone down and leaned back against the wall. Peace and quiet.

So quiet that he got too caught up in his own thoughts, ending up staying there for a couple hours doing whatever came to his mind, then drifting off to sleep. A little hungry though, since all he had was a granola bar from his kitchen, but he was used to it and ignored it.

[991 words]

Sorry for the shorter chapter.

"Thank you berry." [Whitty x BF; Bombeep fanfiction] OLDWhere stories live. Discover now