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Another day of waking up, the same way, on this same bed. 'I should really start getting into more activities so my days aren't as boring.' Whitty thought as he sat up once again on his air mattress and groaned.

Looking at the clock, he realized it was 2 pm.

Well he expected that, since he stayed up around 7 am last night. He couldn't get Daddy Dearest off his mind.. He stayed inside for most of the day yesterday doing random shit and maybe getting his apartment together and organized for once.

Still staring at his phone, he realized he received a couple text messages from Carol.

"hey srry bout cherry. i promise man she aint like him, k? u better not keep your ass up all night again." - Yesterday, 11:48 a.m.

"i was talkin with cherry some more. she said she has a way for you to meet more people. we should have one big sleepover with lots of our besties. although she recommended her house, i obviously know u wont be coming if its there.. dont worry bruv i gotchu. youre coming whether u like it or not 🤭" - Today, 1:37 p.m.

Whitty sighed as he read the last text. 'Great, more people..'

He knows that Carol really likes this kind of stuff and wants him to be there, so he reluctantly messaged back.

"as long as u stick with me then sure. what time & place"

After the message sent, Whitty decided to get up to get a shower. Once again, he needed to look decent for all these new people he's about to meet.

After taking a shower, he walked out of his bathroom only wearing a towel, before reading another message that was sent to him on his phone.

"we can meetup around 3. it is going to be at my friend Dalia's house." from afro girl.

"oh btw u should totesally wear the skirt and purple turtleneck I got you."

Whitty blushed and thought about it. He was about to decline before receiving a text from Keith.

"Heyy!! I heard you were coming to the sleepover. I'm so excited! Can't wait to see you there 🤩🧡(^∇^)ノ"

Whitty reread the message a couple times before going back to Carol's and responding.

"aight fine. i will."


Whitty waited outside of his apartment for his ride. He figured out yesterday that Keith finally got a car, so he was going to pick Whitty up since Whitty didn't know where Dalia's house was.

The navy car pulled to the apartment building and the window rolled down.

"Hi Whitty!!!" Keith greeted with that bright, excited cute smile of his.

Although, Keith blushed slightly as he just noticed Whitty's outfit. His purple turtle neck, black skirt, and fishnets underneath.

☝︎ [what Whitty looks like right now]Art by me

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☝︎ [what Whitty looks like right now]
Art by me.

Whitty blushed too as he got closer to the car, opening the door and sitting in the passenger seat. Also know as shotgun. Of course, Whitty has to slightly crouch down from his height. It was a decent sized car though.

"Isn't it cool?! I like it a lot. Just as much as I love what you're wearing right now." Keith said, giving Whitty a wink at that last part as Whitty's face heated up more.

"Y-yeah, I like it a lot. I'm just glad you have a car now I guess. (Still feel sorry for breaking your skateboard.) A-and thanks, Carol dared me too.." Whitty responded back awkwardly.

Keith brightly smiled as he pulled out from the apartment driveway and onto the street, heading to Dalia's house.

They made it in about 15 minutes, seeing a couple cars already parked at the house.

Whitty and Keith both stepped out of their cars with small bags they brought simply filled with spare clothes and other necessities.

They looked at the house. It was clearly two floors and you could see it had a basement from a little visible window at the edge. Flowers and plants took over the perimeter of the house. It was a pretty house.

"Over here bomb bro!"

Whitty snapped his head towards the noise, seeing a pretty tall individual with brown short and fluffy hair. She wore a black crop top saying "let me sleep" with closed eyes on the chest area. Black pj shorts came with it. She also wore her black fingerless gloves that went up to her elbow.

"Glad you can make it! I'm Dalia. Carol told me lots bout you man. Oh, and sup Keith. Been awhile since I've seen that cyan hair." Dalia said, look down at Keith while Whitty looked down at her.

"Cyan hair?? Oh my gosh, you found your soulmate?!" Keith said excitedly.

"Sure did! Her name's Ayana. Too bad she has college classes right now and couldn't make it." She said pouting. "Anyways, come in inside! I won't bite. We're waiting for other people too." She replies with a confident smile. Keith kinda shrunk down, recognizing the name Ayana as his other ex.. He's glad to see she got over him though finally.

Whitty shrugged and followed her through the garage into the house. You'd expect based on her personality that her house would be pretty cool and colorful, but it was surprisingly modern.

"I know what you're thinking. My brother Miguel refuses to let me decorate this place. He's out on a trip though. Man if only I could just crash it right here right now." Dalia once again pouted and huffed, walking over to the fridge to get a drink.

Keith just smiled and looked up at Whitty, then taking Whitty's large hand and sitting down in the living room.

They were met with some other people. Carol, Hex, and Cherry.

"Heya Whitty. Glad to see you came. Nice outfit too." Carol smirked as Whitty blushed bright orange again.

"It's such a delight to see you again Whitty after so long!" The basketball playing robot said to the bomb headed-male, raising his hand for a high five. Whitty being awkward shyly raised his hand to meet Hex's with a slight slap. This made Whitty slightly happier with himself.

"You too man. It's been awhile. Can't believe I lost contact with you. Glad to have another friend back again." Whitty replied calmly, giving his rare small smiles knowing he had a new friend again.

Hex gave his usual bright cyan smile.

Whitty looked back at Keith to see him talking with Cherry. He doesn't know why, but he felt a slight pang of jealousy seeing Keith getting along greatly with his ex again.

Whitty shook his thought away as he slumped down on the couch next to Carol. He was about to start a conversation with her before the front door blew open.

[1185 words]

Yuh okay I know I said there would be some bombeep finally but I didn't have enough room to add all that. so I decided to write 3 chapters and publish them all in one day so you guys don't have to wait for it any longer- I'm sorry 😰

"Thank you berry." [Whitty x BF; Bombeep fanfiction] OLDWhere stories live. Discover now