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"You sure you're okay Whitty?"

"I'm fine."

Everyone decided to take a break from spin the bottle and do their own thing. As for Whitty, Hex was pressing a cold rag against his bomb head, rubbing it gently. A sad look was on his screen, showing that he was worried for the 2-feet-taller individual.

What happened to cause this? Whitty had some sort of heat stroke where he lost control of his own special abilities and heated his body temperature up to the point where he caused burn marks on the ground. Nobody knows how his clothing is fine.

Whitty feels bad, but couldn't stop his head from running with seperate thoughts. He was overwhelmed and too much was happening at once. He is glad that they took a break and that Hex is willing to help him cool down, literally.

"Whitty? Whitty!"

Whitty snapped out of his thoughts as he stared up at the colorful sight of Hex. He couldn't stop staring. He's never seen anything but shades of black and white.

He looked over to Keith having the same problem, although they both refuse to tell anyone they can see color now. They need to get a better understanding of what was happening first before they move onto that. Keith was waiting for this moment his whole life, the only reason he's in astonishment was that it was with someone who wasn't supposed to have a soulmate.

"You seem to not be burning anything anymore, but it's still best if you take it easy. Don't overwork yourself too hard." Hex said, give his bright smile again. Whitty could see it much clearer now as it was a beautiful cyan, the same color as Keith's hair. Whitty loved it a lot.

"Thanks Hex. It means a lot really." Whitty said, taking the still cold rag from Hex and pressing it against his own head instead. Hex gave a thumbs up and walked away. Whitty sat there drowning in his own thoughts while looking at all the new sights he sees.

'I thought I didn't have a soulmate..'
'I don't have a soulmate.'
'But why can I see color?'
'Same with Keith..'
'This means.. he must be my soulmate right?'
'But why is my wrist empty?'

Questions swarmed his bomb head until he was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. He snapped his head around to be met with the bluenette himself.

Whitty didn't know why, but he blushed at the sight of Keith right infront of him. Especially now that he can really see what Keith really looks like, he was even more beautiful.

"Hey Whitty, can we talk?"

Whitty was quick to respond as he stood up, grabbing Keith's hand to the bathroom, leaving the rag behind.

Whitty locked the door behind them and turned to face Keith who looked flustered.

"S-so.. about what happened. You can see it too right?" Keith asked nervously as Whitty nodded.

Keith went to the sink of the bathroom and grabbed a random toothbrush, and bringing it back towards Whitty.

"You see this toothbrush right? It's the same color as your eyes for me." Keith exclaimed holding the toothbrush up to Whitty's face. "Now take a look at this toothbrush. What color does it match on me?" Keith held up another toothbrush.

"It matches your cyan hair.." Whitty said awkwardly.

"Yes! That's exactly it! So we both can see color now!" Keith said with a surprised yet excited look. "And this means... you have a soulmate! And that soulmate is.. me."

Both of them blushes at the thought of that before Whitty felt a pair of arms around his waist. It was Keith of course.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really happy actually that you have a soulmate and it's me. I really did have an attraction to you even after I figured out you don't have a soulmate. Well, I thought you didn't." Keith admitted, lookimg up at Whitty with a warm smile. Whitty's arms were now also wrapped around the small figure.

"Thank you berry." [Whitty x BF; Bombeep fanfiction] OLDWhere stories live. Discover now