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Whitty groaned as his bright, orange eyes opened. He turned over to his phone that was beeping, only to figure out that it wasn't his phone that was beeping..

"Eh?!-" Whitty jumped in surprise after turning to see Keith right in his face.

"Pffft-" Keith started dying in laughter as Whitty sat up in embarrassment. Whitty forgot how Keith could make the perfect beeping noise.

"Y-your FAce- i-it was hilarious..!" Keith gave out, holding his stomach.

"Y-yeah yeah whatever.." Whitty stammered blushing.

"Well anways, time to get up Whitty! Dalia made breakfast. I'm excited because her lasagna was really good!" Keith wrapped his arms around Whitty's arm and look up at him with a pleading face. "I know you're not an early bird but, pleaseee?"

"Okay okay fine. I was getting up anyways. No need to beg for it." Whitty's bomb head looked like an orange to Keith right now as he let go of his arm.

They walked downstairs hand in hand to the kitchen. Of course, they let go as soon as they entered so nobody suspected anything..

"Hey! Look at that! Keith got the big guy up. Thanks little man." Dalia said fist bumping Keith as Whitty just grumbled and made his was to the table.

Hex was standing up since he can't eat anything. Dalia was in the kitchen with Keith have small chats while Dalia cooked. Carol, cherry, and Whitty was on one side of the table as Pico, Nene, and Darnell was on the other. Two seats were left open for Keith and Dalia. It was a pretty big table.

Some people already started eating already. Dalia is making these egg soft taco thingies where she makes a flat egg and put it inside of a tortilla with shredded cheese and seasoning.

Whitty snapped out of his thoughts by a plate clattering on the table infront of him by Dalia. The plate contained the food that was just described.

Whitty thanked her and picked it up like a taco, taking a bite. It was actually really good. Keith then walked into the dining room with his plate and sat between Pico and Whitty.

From Whitty's weird ability of eating 2x more than humans do, Whitty was still hungry. Keith noticed this and gave Whitty his egg tortilla.

"I- I appreciate Keith but no thanks. You shouldn't give your breakfast to me." Whitty said quietly for only Keith to hear, pushing his place towards Keith.

"No it's fine really. Everyone is only supposed to get one but Dalia said since I'm her favorite I can go back and get the extra one she accidentally made for Hex." Keith stated also quietly, pushing Whitty's plate back to him and standing up with his empty plate, walking to the kitchen.

Whitty could hear Dalia go "You already ate your tortilla Keith? You must be hungry!" and Keith go "Yep! Sure did."

Then Keith came back with another one on his place and winked at Whitty, proving that he was right.

Whitty blushed and huffed a thanks under his breath, eating Keith's previous tortilla. After everyone finished, Pico stood up from his seat.

"Aight guys, I'm gonna head out. You two can either stay or leave with me. I'm your only ride afterall." Pico pointed at Nene and Darnell before shrugging and made his way to the door. Before he could though, he felt someone grab his shoulder. As surprising as it may be, it was Whitty.

"Actually, before you leave, I'd like to have a civil talk with you please."

Pico stared daringly at him, before stepping outside, Whitty behind him.

"Thank you berry." [Whitty x BF; Bombeep fanfiction] OLDWhere stories live. Discover now