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Whitty sat up upon his floor mattress, scrolling through social media. Keith has been rubbing off on him to the point where he somehow got up early again. Thanks to this, Whitty doesn't know what to do so he is just messing around on his phone.

Keith is busy with work today as he wanted to try and develop a new song. He is a famous ass singer for a living afterall.

In summary, Whitty was bored.

It was 9 am. Whitty decided maybe he could call one of his friends to get breakfast with him.

Well he only has one other friend, which is Carol.

So he decided to text Carol to meet up with them, hoping she were awake.

"ayo wake up dumbass im hungry"

Whitty got a response after waiting just a couple seconds.

"ight' man im already up 🙄. im jus genuinely surprised your up. this is early for u"

The following is what is currently going down on their text.

"wanna go out to eat with me"

afro girl:
"oh? like a date? ♪~(´ε` )"

"this is new"
"ive asked you to go out to eat with me multiple times before"
"as friends."

afro girl:
"lmao ik just messin with u"

"so you wanna go or not"

afro girl:
"can i bring one of my besties? u 2 would get along and you need more friends bruv"

"you know how i feel about new people"

afro girl:
"come ooonnn, what if i told you they have a close relationship with keith?~ 💃🙈"

"and this aint becuz you brought up keith or anything"

afro girl:
"meet at 9?"

"it is already 9 dumbass"

afro girl:
"lmao so mean 😭"
"atleast im not a dopout"

"atleast i can spell"

afro girl:
"Atleast I use correct grammar. ☜︎︎︎"

"i- lol yeah right"
"atleast im not short"

afro girl:
"atleast I don't have to crouch down in almost every place i go to"

"atleast i didnt put my dog down recently"

afro girl:
"AYO TOO FAR MAN- ruby was suffering from cancer man i had to, it aint my fault 🤧"
"atleast I got a dad"

"d a m n didnt gotta go that far"
"okay this is going no where, are you and your friend meeting me at 9:15 or what? same cafe"

afro girl:
"ight c u"


After finally setting his phone down, Whitty got up and got dressed to get ready. He started to wonder if he should wear anything specific for Carol's friend she is bringing.

Scratching that thought, he simply put on his now clean teal jacket and some capri-shorts. Including spraying cologne on himself so he atleast seems like a decent guy rather than someone who sleeps on the streets. Which he does do that at times.

The clock said 9:12 so he then left the apartment building. Making sure he locked his door on his way out and brought his room key, wallet, phone, and switch blade, Whitty set out.

"Thank you berry." [Whitty x BF; Bombeep fanfiction] OLDWhere stories live. Discover now