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[Y'all like my drawing? If you didn't notice, it's multiple different aus of Boyfriend. I think I did good. Anyways this is an eventful chapter]

Waking up on his floor mattress, Whitty rubbed his eyes. Immediately, he noticed he had more room in the bed, and was confused. He was sure he fell asleep with Keith last night. How could he not forgot? It got a little heated last night..

Anyways, he sat up only to see Keith putting a coat on near the doorway, still in his pajamas. He looked like he was in a hurry.

"Berry..? Are you alright?" Whitty asked tiredly. Keith quickly turned to Whitty's direction, looking in panic. "S-sorry to wake y-you..! I'm just i-in a hurry."

Whitty looked at him, concerned. "What's up Keith? What happened?"

"I-Its Cherry.. She's having trouble with her parents again. You know how they treat her.. She texted me that she need help badly, a-and I have to be there." Keith answered, slipping his shoes on.

That's right, Whitty remembered. Cherry's parents never treated her well. It's as if Cherry was a doll that her parents constantly tugged on. She had to be set up as a prize for multiple music shows and festivals, even while she was dating other people. Not only that, but her parents were highly homophobic, and only cared about the money and reputation she gave them. Cherry had ran away multiple times, just to get away, but she has always been dragged back. Whitty couldn't help but feel bad. He assumed that it was mostly all her father's doings, especially from the grudge Whitty holds against him. This was one of those times where she needed help running away again, but Whitty didn't understand why she needed to hurry..

"I'll come with." Whitty said as he too slipping his shoes on, a shirt, and his navy jacket. Keith nodded, and they went out.

After a drive to her house, the could hear arguing coming from Cherry's window. This was surprising, seeing as Cherry never fought back against her parents. Although it didn't sound like Cherry. Keith and Whitty walked closer to the window. Keith has done this with Cherry before, so after a text signaling they were there, they saw Cherry peep out of the window with a look of relief. The yelling still went on though, but Cherry was right there.. That means someone else was arguing with Cherry's parents.

"Oh Keith! Thank God you are here! I-Its Cassandra..! My dad.. he.." She paused, trying to come up with words as she panicked. "Just get in here quickly!"

Keith nodded. "Hey Whitty, you're about 8'11 right? I bet I can reach Cherry's window if you pick me up high." Whitty nodded and grabbed Keith, standing all the way on his tippy toes so that Cherry could grab Keith and pull him in. After this, Whitty was stuck outside, unknown on how to help. It sounded like Cherry and Keith ran to stop the situation, but then Whitty saw Alucard in the window.

"Al? Is that you?" Whitty semi-yelled from the ground. Alucard nodded. "Dude! It was crazy! About a week ago, Cassandra was released from prison, and Cherry took her in. They are still dating, but they had to hide that from Cherry's dad. She took me in after I was released yesterday, and I was grateful of course. So I gave them alone time today and went to do something else in this huge house. But then I heard arguing upstairs, and when I went upstairs, Cherry's dad was screaming at Cassandra because he walked in on them kissing! Mr. Dearest grabbed Cassandra by the horns, and then Cassandra bit him with her razor sharp teeth- a-and– It was just crazy dude!" Alucard ranted, leaving Whitty in shock.

"Why didn't you use your telekinesis?!" "I-I.. I don't know... Ever since what happened with Pico, and all the kids I killed, it has just felt wrong.." Alucard stammered, sweating a lot.

"Come in Alucard, you're stronger than this. Can you try lifting me up so I can reach the window?" Whitty attempted to ask once again. "I- I can't I just.. Y-you're right, I need to use this power while I still can. Hold still.." Whitty froze as he started levitating mid-air. All he needed was a little boost, and that was enough for him to crawl inside Cherry's bedroom. Alucard dropped him, and helped him up. The room was a little messy, just clothes here and there. Whitty didn't have a lot of time to examine it, and the house, like he does with others.

"Thank you berry." [Whitty x BF; Bombeep fanfiction] OLDWhere stories live. Discover now