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Note: real quick, I'm Kiersey if you haven't read any of my other stories before, welcome! I mostly write my own originals (not published to wattpad) or Vampire Diaries/Originals/Teen Wolf fanfics, but I got back into comics and started watching DC shows and it really p!ssed me off how little (real) diversity DC has in their shows. Like, yeah, Cyborg is cool and all, but he def should not be the only black superhero in your whole franchise 🙄.

Anyway, as always, black women are the very last to get any kind of representation or recognition (like, they could've easily put Wonder Woman's BLACK sister, Nu'Bia in the movies 🙄🙄🙄), so I decided to give us our own story.

Everyone of all races, ethnicities, genders, etc are more than welcome to read and enjoy my stories, but if you're looking for white heroes, this is not where you'll find them, so...yeah, I can't help you with that.

Remember: pro-black doesn't mean anti-any-other-race.

Don't forget to vote! And comment what DC characters you want to see (fair warning: they'll most likely be melanated by me if they're not already BIPOC). Also, don't worry, I haven't abandoned any of my other stories! Look for updates on all my TVD and TW fanfics soon!!! Now, onto the story! ❤️❤️❤️


Lyra's POV - 7th grade - suburbs of Metropolis

I solemnly bounded down the stairwell as Roza, the Russian nanny who had worked for my family for thirteen years, nagged on behind me, shadowing my every slow step. She had been like a second mother to me, one I didn't have to impress or be traumatized by. She was worried about my first year at Metropolis Junior High.

My parents had died two years ago and I'd left to live in Star City with my aunt and uncle Moira and Robert Queen, but after Uncle Rob and my cousin Ollie died, aunt Moira turned into a different person. My cousin Mia completely lost it - which made sense - and I found myself completely alone all over again. I figured, if I'm going to be alone anyway, I can be alone in my hometown, in the house where I grew up. At the very least, I could visit my parents' graves here. There was nothing for me in Star City anyway.

"Miss Lyra, are you certain you're ready for this? Madame Queen said it would be perfectly fine for you to take two more weeks away - o-or even homeschool altogether. I could have the documents prepared by this afternoon--"

"Roza, it's fine. I'll be fine. Let Aunt Moira know she doesn't have to worry about me," I said, absently pulling my messenger bag over my shoulder. "Where's Manifred? We should leave now or I'm gonna be late."

"Khren znayet (Russian for: Who know's)," she muttered under her breath. "I go find him. You make sure to have breakfast, yes? And I packed your lunch, it's already in bag."

I nodded and stepped to the kitchen, retrieving a warm danish from the pile she'd left on the counter for me. Our house had always been massive - it was a mansion, all Queens lived in mansions - but it had never felt this cold and empty. I nibbled on the danish as I stared at the rest of them on the plate. It was funny. Times like this, I could almost pretend they weren't gone. Who else would Roza have made this many danishes for?

I imagined my mom coming into the kitchen, her plush, coily hair springing to life as she sipped on her morning brew, grumbling about the sun rising too early "these days." Dad would stalk through in his fancy suit and shiny shoes, pulling her into a hug with some corny pickup line about how she was tired from running through his mind or whatever. I'd giggle at them and they'd both smile at me with adoration in their eyes.

That was fantasy, of course. My parents hated each other. I wasn't sure they remembered my existence half the time, but it was nice to dream - especially since they weren't around to ruin it now. Yeah, yeah, it sounds cold, but it doesn't mean I didn't love them, or that I don't miss them now, even with all their flaws throughout their short-lived parenthood.

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