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Hey guys, I know it's been forever since I've updated this story and many of my other ones, but I've been dealing with a lot lately. My grandmother (who was like a second mom to me) passed away and then my daughters and I caught covid, which has taken the lives of many people in my family. I'm still grieving and recovering, but I made a promise to my grandmother that I was never stop seeking out happiness and writing for you guys makes me happy! So I'm back, kinda. This update (like the Hitch'd update I did recently) will be much shorter than what you'd usually get from me, but I'm working on it. Anyway, thanks for being patient with me and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!


Life changed for me after that night. As abnormal as it had been, it was at least predictable. But something had cracked and shattered in my little foundation of comfort. Change was barreling towards me. Horrid, terrifying change. Not the cute kind. Not the kind you look forward to, like when you finally get that acceptance letter from the college you really wanted to go to, or when your crush actually reciprocates your feelings after you finally work up the nerve to confess. The gut-wrenching kind. The kind that drains all the color from life and leaves you staring out at a world of stormy gray and nothing else. 

"I'm not going back with that family, Clark. And what do you mean, I can 'never see you again?'" I scoffed, standing to my feet with a huff.

"Sit down and finish your breakfast," Clark bit out, refusing to meet my glare. He stared down at his plate of eggs and bacon, tension pouring from him in waves.

"Sit down?!" I yelled, incredulous at his response. "Clark, look at me," I demanded. He clenched his jaw but kept his gaze firmly on his plate. Rage welled up in my gut and I snatched the plate away, smashing it to the floor. "Look at me, damn it!" I screamed, tears welling up.

He slowly stood to his feet, lifting his eyes to mine. The iciness in his gaze when he finally looked at me felt like a dagger piercing my chest. "Why do you have to overcomplicate everything, Lyra?" he bit out coldly. "It was just sex."

I tilted my head to one side and took him in. His shoulders were wound up, his entire body was tense. Even though he tried to speak the words with ease, he grimaced like they'd left a bad taste in his mouth. He didn't mean it, but knowing that didn't make it hurt any less. "Funny, coming from the sap who said 'I love you' right after losing his virginity." His eyes widened as hurt and embarrassment washed over his face. "Try not to disappoint any other ladies in the future," I added, brushing past him as I rushed from the kitchen. I knew it was petty and wrong - and a complete lie - to say what I'd said. Maybe I took it too far. It's not like I didn't know Clark's temper, but there was no way I was gonna let him make light of a situation we both knew went so much deeper than that and walk off unscathed.

A gust of wind blew past me before I could get halfway up the stairs and I rolled my eyes, prepared for another round of heartbreaking verbal blows that was sure to follow. But the sight before me crumbled my resolve. A stray tear fell from Clark's eyes as he reached a hand out to brushed down the side of my face. "Do you have any idea how hard this is for me?" he asked, his voice cracking slightly. "There are people out there who want to kill you, Lyra," he continued through his tears. "They have weapons and labs and...they know about us, about what we can do. They have ways to take away our abilities long enough to kill us - permanently," his voice was tense and his words sent a chill of unease swirling into my gut. "This is the only way I can protect you," he whispered, pulling me into his arms.

"And what about you, Clark? Who's protecting you? How do you even know any of this?" I demanded, pulling away from him.

His eyes grew unfocused and for a moment, he looked lost. "It's..." he voice faltered. He shook his head and tried again. "It's my father," his voice broke. "He owns the organization that hunts down people like us."

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