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(warning: long author's note ahead!)

So...yeah, this happened. This chapter is super long. I don't know where all this came from, but I was just so excited to write this, I couldn't help it. 

Anyway, some of my beloved readers (and besties ❤️❤️❤️) were a little concerned when I tagged "bullying" under this book and added a TW for it (with good reason, because let me tell you, some of these "bullying" stories are wild and high key concerning). 

I just wanted to make this clear: this story does NOT romanticize bullying. It's not cute or attractive for a person to harm you, especially under the guise of "love." That is NOT love. I'm all for a complicated villain or love interest, and perfection is overrated, but there is a line I don't cross. Clark, in this story, starts out with a lot of issues with anger management and paranoia. His actions in this chapter (here's your TW) are violent towards Lyra, but she doesn't see them as an act of love, nor does she accept this behavior. 

Clark will go through character changes (aka growth) throughout this story, and while we all love a good, confident (sometimes cocky) man, an abuser is just the opposite of this. An abuser is a toxic, weak, pathetic little narcissist who decided to inflict his/her/their trauma onto other people. 

If you are in an abusive relationship or situation and you need help executing an escape plan, formulating an escape strategy or just advice in general, please reach out to me! If I can't help you myself, I will put you in touch with people who can! Protect yourself and protect your energy. Most of all, remember that you don't owe anyone your love, especially if they can't mirror it in a healthy, safe, and consensual way. 

Now, on to the story! Don't forget to comment and vote ❤️❤️❤️


Lyra's POV - 12th grade - Forest

That mistake from seventh grade? Yeah, that wasn't the only mistake I'd made to earn Clark Luthor's permanent glare - nor was it the biggest mistake. No, the biggest mistake was not following my gut instinct and keeping my nose out of business that doesn't pay me. 

"Lyra, you're not seriously wasting Senior Skip Day out in the woods like a weirdo, are you? Can't you just draw in your room at home like everyone else?" Sumi whined into the phone. "Come on, I'll pick you up. The whole class is going to the mall. I can be back at the school in ten minutes."

"No, Sumi, it's fine. Besides, I don't want you getting caught trying to sneak back out with me. No one wants me there anyway," I sighed, brushing a hand through my long curls as I walked leisurely through the trees behind the school. Maybe if someone had told me it was senior skip day before school started that day, I would've joined in. 

"At least come with me to the party," she pleaded. "Lex is throwing it and he'd be heartbroken if you didn't show up."

"Okay, one, Clark is throwing the party," I said with disgust, "Lex just happens to live there and two, that's a total lie. I never go to those stupid parties and Lex never gets upset about it."

"Lyra, please? It's the last First Party of the School Year we'll ever have! You have to come, please?" she continued whining. One of the best and worst things about Sumi was her forgetfulness. Maybe if I agreed now, she could go off to the mall with the annoying simps who wanted to take my place as her bestie and forget all about this conversation. 

I hesitated, letting out a long sigh. "Fine," I muttered.

"W-what? Did you actually just agree to go?" she squealed with joy. "Oh my God, you're really going! I'm totally shopping for you today! Text me when you're home, I'll come over and we'll try on everything tonight before the party! I'm gonna do your makeup and everything, this is gonna be awesome!" she continued rambling to herself as I shook my head and hung up the phone. She wouldn't mind. She probably already forgot we were still talking. 

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