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Note: Hello, loves! I know it's been a minute 🙃 Sorry for the delay. I don't want to make promises, so I'll just say I'm excited to be back writing this story again and I have high hopes that this excitement isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I'm throwing some twists and turns in here and the action is about to be amped up. I haven't written action scenes in a while so this will be a fun little experiment for me. Let me know how you feel about it. Don't worry, the romance and sexual tension is also about to heat up!

Side note: Just an fyi, I'm including a lot of other DC characters and their backgrounds and stories are a little different. If you're dedicated to any romantic ships in the Flash, Green Arrow, Superman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman or Gotham, you might wanna skip because I'm completely off-canon with the shipping.
Also, should I turn this one into a reverse-harem or keep it strictly Lyra and Clark? Let me know in the comments! Don't forget to vote!

Enjoy ❤️❤️❤️❤️


"Earth to Superman! Did you not see the signal? That I sent three individual times?!" a shrill voice squawked from an overly teched-out watch on his wrist.

"Y-you should answer that," I stammered out in a whisper. Clark's face was inches from my own, the color in his eyes growing cloudy as he seemed to contemplate whether or not he would answer.

"Hello? Hello!" the voice squalled again. "Dammit! Is this thing not working? Don't tell me this idiot broke it again," she huffed.

He continued to watch me as his bracelet rattled off more insults he didn't seem bothered by.

"Clark," I scoffed when he made no motion to move. "You're Superman! Someone might be in danger—" I squeaked, mashing my eyes closed as his lips brushed against mine. I was about to fall apart. I couldn't handle this right now. "C-Clark...please don't..." I choked out, tears slowly pooling in the corners of my eyes.

He halted and sighed, his lips still faintly touching my own. "You really don't want me to kiss you right now?" He asked, more like a realization rather than a question.

I shook my head slightly, "...no," I said hesitantly.

He smirked, drifting his lips to the corner of mine and further over to my jaw where he pressed a wet kiss to my skin. "It's okay. You will," he said decidedly, taking off in a heavy gust of wind that completely ruined my hairstyle for the day.

I rolled my eyes, wiping the moisture from them, and scoffed. Clark Fucking Luthor, the bane of my existence once again.

I huffed and clutched my hands tightly into fists. I wanted to scream. I wanted to smash something. My vision darkened and I realized my chest was heaving. I was hyperventilating. If I didn't calm down, I'd fall into an anxiety attack. I took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds. Another breath, another hold. Over and over until my heart rate slowed to a normal pace. As air filled my lungs a little easier, my mind cleared from the fogginess that clouded it.

I had to figure out a way to escape Clark. What was my alternative? Date Superman? The thought made me dry-heave. I'd worked meticulously and endlessly for my little slice of normalcy here. I'd be damned if I'd let some arrogant idiot rip it away from me for shits and giggles.

I felt a stab of pain in my heart, despite my thoughts about the situation I was now in. Had Clark really been holding onto those feelings all this time? And his father - was what he told me last night really true? I shook myself from the internal interrogation. I couldn't face these questions right now. I only knew one thing: Clark was a threat to my normalcy. He was more chaos than calm and if I didn't find a way out of his attention soon, he could very well ruin my life as it was now.

I sighed. It was now time to face the only man I'd avoided more than Clark: Lex Luthor. Lex and I had not yet come face to face since the first day Lois and I saw him in Star City. I wasn't sure if I was actually the one doing the avoiding. I had no idea of his schedule, but he planned mine. It seemed like he'd made certain we'd have no possibility of a chance encounter. I'd have to find him. He was the only person who could keep Clark away from me. And there was only one person who could find him for me.

"Hey, Ollie," I cooed sweetly into the phone after my cousin picked up with a grumble. "It's almost nine-thirty in the middle of the week. You can't possibly still be sleeping," I snorted.

"Not sleeping, injured," he choked out.

"Where are you?" I asked, my heart rate spiking again. He didn't respond. "Ollie, tell me where you are!" I demanded. More silence. "Oliver Queen!"

"Could you not scream my private identity out loud for just anyone to hear, please!" He grouched, his voice low and gravelly. "I'm sending you my coordinates. Bring help," he said curtly before ending the call abruptly.

Ollie was hurt and clearly still in danger. Bring help? I thought to myself incredulously. Ollie never wanted help, even when he needed it. Something else was going on.

My phone buzzed in my hands. Ollie's coordinates...he was in Gateway City, but why? Running for governor of Star City - something I still needed to convince him was the dumbest idea for a super-ish hero with secrets - he would have no diplomatic reason for going two hours away to another city. And as the Green Arrow, he'd only traveled through there a couple of times to get to Central City for a Flash team-up.

Who could I call? Clark had just zoomed off to some super rescue, I was sure. Lex had Hadrian locked away somewhere. Lois was...it didn't matter, I couldn't pull her into this world. Who could even get there in time? I sighed, glancing at my phone. I had to make a decision and fast.

Fast. The word thumped around in my mind. Of course! I rolled my eyes at how long it took me to realize it. I shook my head and scrolled through my phone until the name I was looking for showed up. I pressed the name and brought the phone to my ear.

It rang once before it was answered. "I need you," I spoke unabashed.

"I'm on my way," the man on the other end replied.

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