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Hey guys, if you don't follow me you might not know I've been having issues with my site so I'm back to WattPad temporarily. Anyway, here's the full version of Chapter 3. Thanks for reading. Like and comment ❤️


"I need to stop by my house first," I blurted as we left the school parking lot.

"Why?" Clark glanced over at me before tearing down the road at entirely illegal speeds.

"Roza and Manifred need to know I'm gonna be late. Otherwise they'll freak and get my aunt involved. That's the last thing I need right now," I whispered the last part and turned my gaze to the window. "Why are you speeding?"

"Why not? It's not like either of us could die from a crash," he replied smoothly. "Do you know their numbers?"

"What?" I turned back and caught his eye just before he turned back to the road.

"Your nanny and driver? Do you have their numbers memorized?" he said pointedly.

"I...yeah, I do. Why?" I asked.

He sifted his phone from the middle console and tossed it into my lap. "Call them. We don't have time to stop by your place," he responded, finitely. I rolled my eyes and picked the phone up. "The passcode is my birthday."

"How original," I sneered, typing in his code. When it unlocked the phone, I quickly tapped in Manifred's number. I knew Roza's too, but she'd take the whole conversation completely overboard. "Hey, Manny, it's Lyra. Some kid ran over my phone, but I'm riding home with a friend today and Sumi wants me to go to this senior party so I'll be home late."

"That's wonderful, Lyra, I'm glad you're making new friends," Manny replied. "I'll let Roza know you won't be home for dinner. I'm sure she'll leave something out for you. Have fun and stay safe."

"Great, thanks," I replied, unable to stop the smile that always made its way to my face when I talked to Manifred. I ended the call and replaced Clark's phone back in the middle console. "Thanks," I muttered, begrudgingly because I wouldn't have needed to use his phone if he hadn't smashed mine. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, allowing my thoughts to dance around behind my eyelids before I felt Clark's eyes on me. I tried to ignore it, but he was watching me way too long to be driving safely at the same time. "Eyes on the road, idiot," I hissed."X-ray vision?" he asked. I could hear the smirk in his voice."No, I'm just a girl. We get bad vibes when creepy weirdos watch us. It's a natural gift," I snorted. When he didn't respond, I opened my eyes, glancing out the window. "Clark, this isn't the way to your house. Where are we going?"

"The mall," he shrugged. "You weren't seriously gonna wear that to my party, were you?"

"I have plenty of clothes at home," I scoffed.

"Your wardrobe screams 'sad girl.' You wanna get rid of the name, get rid of the style," he replied just as we reached the mall's parking lot. "Come on, I'm buying."

"Sumi already bought outfits for me," I responded, unsure about the pain surging through my chest when I spoke her name.

"And how charitable do you think she'll be when she finds out you're dating the guy she has wet dreams about?" he asked with a smirk.

"Do you have to be so crass?" I scoffed.

"Only for you, princess," he answered evenly. "Let's go. We got a lot to do."

"Excuse me?" I hissed.

"Relax. I meant, for us both," he said quickly, rolling his eyes. "I can't be 'asshole' Clark anymore, remember? I have to change up my style, too, to make it believable." Before I could respond, he stepped out of the car and rounded to my side.

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