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Hello, loves! I'm back (kinda). I don't really have any announcements, just an apology for taking forever to update. Forgive me, please. Anyway, I'm trying to get back into flow with my updates. Hopefully this will be the first of many to come this week. Enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment!


"This is me," Lois announced, like she did any other workday, as she stepped off the elevator of the third floor and gave a dramatic bow. "Goodbye for now, my beloved. Willie's for lunch?" she asked quickly.

"Sure," I snorted, shaking my head. The woman's coffee addiction somehow managed to take over both our lives. We stopped into three different coffee shops every weekday now. 

She smiled brightly before turning to head to her office. 

As soon as the doors started closing, I refocused on my phone, tapping my screen until Ollie's name and number showed at the top. I started typing out a message when I heard the doors stop and reopen. I glanced up, expecting to see Lois coming back to remind me of something, but the sight before me knocked the air from my lungs. 

"C-Clark?" I barely croaked out as I staggered back against the elevator wall behind me. Somehow, he'd grown even larger and taller, his aura alone taking up the rest of the space in the small room. He didn't say anything, but his dark blue eyes never wavered from mine as he pressed the button for the sixth floor. 

I had imagined this moment a million times, happening in a million different ways, but never did I think Clark Luthor would be standing in front of me on an elevator at my place of work at nine in the morning on a Tuesday. I definitely should've taken that espresso. Was I even awake right now?

"Lyra Queen, right?" he asked, his voice terse and cold as he regarded me openly. Was he really pretending not to know exactly who I was? 

A bolt of rage struck through me, clearing out every ounce of shock and disbelief swirling around in me and I cleared my throat, standing straight up, and squared my shoulders. "That's me," I replied dryly. "I'm Oliver Queen's cousin, I'm sure you've heard of him," I added, turning my attention back to my phone. 

I could feel his eyes burning into my face, his energy growing more tense and volatile with every second I ignored him. He scoffed, shifting on his feet, and tapped his foot as the elevator passed the fourth and fifth floors. I tapped out a message to Ollie, focusing intently on ignoring the bastard still standing in front of me, and tried hard not to smirk at the fact that he was about to blow a gasket. 

The door finally dinged open and I hitched my bag higher over my shoulder, ready to dart out when a large hand firmly gripped my arm, stopping me in my tracks. An electric surge rushed through me and I stepped back, quickly snatching my arm away. "Was there something you needed, Mr. Luthor?" I asked evenly, lifting my eyes to glare at him. 

His eyes openly trailed down my figure and back up with a smirk growing at the corner of his mouth. "A few things, actually, when we have the time," he said, running his tongue over his bottom lip. 

I scoffed. The nerve of this son of a..."I'm not sure what you're insinuating, Mr. Luthor, but in any case, I do have a significant other," I shot back. "If you need help finding your way around, Tabitha at the front desk would be thrilled to help you," I added brusquely, strutting from the elevator car with an abundance of confidence I did not feel. 

I rushed to my office, leaning with against the door with my eyes closed after I shut it. I let out a deep sigh and huffed.

"I take it he's already made his presence known?" I opened my eyes to find Ollie seated in front of my desk. "I'm sorry, I tried to get here before the Luthor brothers to warn you."

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