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Note: It's been a while. I'll try to keep the waits between new chapters shorter. Anyway, vote and comment. And as always, enjoy!


A swirl of wind blew through my curls as a streak of red electricity zipped over the building top's edge, stopping about a meter short of me. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Little Miss Wham-Bam-Thank You-Sir," a smooth and airy voice poured from a dazzling dimpled and devilish smile. "I gotta be honest, I didn't think you make me wait this long before you called me again, you tease."

Another tall, dark-haired and unfairly handsome superhuman stood before me. He was bulkier than the last time I'd seen him...he was nearly as muscular as Ollie now. His jawline seemed more defined, too, with a shadow of scruff barely masking it. He took his time inching down my figure with his eyes, a hue between sea green and indigo, but then snapped his gaze to mine.

"No time for pleasantries, Barry, Ollie's in trouble," I rushed through my words as he closed the distance between us, his forehead crinkling in concern at my words. "And stop talking like that," I hissed, glancing around to make sure Clark hadn't resurfaced in the area. "There's a flying psychopath who might try to laser your head off if he thinks you're being serious," I bit out as my anxiety over Ollie and my rage from dealing with said psychopath swirled into fury. "Where's your suit and mask?" I demanded, taking in his casual athleisure attire.

"I told you, when you call, I come running," he flashed a smile again before his face grew serious. "Where's Oliver?"

My phone dinged as soon as he asked. "Gateway City. He just sent his location..." my voice trailed off as I looked at the blinking green arrow on the map on my phone before glancing up at him. "Barry, he said to bring help...w-what if --"

"Calm down, Lyra. Oliver is the strongest son-of-a-bitch I know. He survived daily torture on Hell Island for five years, he'll be fine," his voice was even and calm, but I didn't miss the glint of worry in his eyes. "I'll call for back up on my way," he said, snatching my phone and sending himself the coordinates.

"You're not going alone, Barry," I scoffed, snatching my phone back and grabbing his forearms before he could dash off.

"I'm sure as hell not taking you," he snorted, but quickly pursing his eyebrows in disbelief. "Lyra, you're insane if you think you're going. We don't know what awaits, and I'm not fighting Tarzan and psycho-Superman for not keeping you safe."

I ignored his nicknames for Ollie and Clark and shook my head. "And you're insane if you think I'm taking 'no' for an answer, here. Do I need to threaten you?"

"I'm not scared of you Lyra," he chuckled.

"Fine. The second you dash away, I'm jumping right off this building," I retorted coldly, releasing his arms from my grasp. I took several slow and deliberate steps back, the building's railing not much farther behind me. "I might not even wait until you leave," I shrugged, continuing my backsteps.

"Lyra, don't." He folded his arms across his chest, testing to see how serious I was. "I'm serious, stop. Now."

I ignored him, continuing my backsteps as his stance grew increasingly less refined and more nervous. "There's only one thing that's gonna stop me." The railing met my back and I tilted my head, waiting for Barry to make his choice. He wouldn't wait much longer, not when we both knew Ollie's life could be at stake at this very moment.

"Goddammit, Lyra," he huffed, roughly forcing his hands through his cropped dark strands. "You're lucky I still like you," he sneered, vanishing into a illusive red bolt of lightning that barreled right for me. In a blink, I was in his arms moving at literal lightning speed and trying my hardest to keep the contents of my body inside of my flesh against intense and unnatural wind storming by.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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