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Note: I know it's been a while 😅 I'm working on updates this week and next. I'm hoping to have a new chapter in each story I have that's still ongoing, but no promises. I got this one done tho, so there's that 😇❤️ Are you excited? Enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment!


I managed to get Lois on board with investigating the Luthors without too much pestering or interrogation - which, now that I think about it, probably means she's already investigating me (Lois is not shy about questioning anyone about anything) - but so far, we hardly managed to find anything damning.

The Luthor brothers had taken over their father's billion-dollar "tech-development" enterprise and wanted to shift the company's focus toward helping communities and the environment and away from weapons development. Somehow, Lex - I'm sure it was Lex - had managed to link the Daily Star and LuthorCorp as the perfect, prototypical merger for the task of redirecting their company with research models and an insanely positive revenue trajectory, and weave all of these seemingly unrelated and illogical moving parts and pieces into a perfectly blended puzzle. On paper, it only made sense for them to absorb the Daily Star and deem the building - and our staff - as their public relations headquarters. Reassignments were being handed out left and right. It was too perfect. I didn't trust it and neither did Lois.

"I feel like a pig being fattened before I turn into bacon," Lois muttered over her third latte of the day. I nodded, biting into my avocado toast. "They're giving me access to all their facilities and even letting me choose if I wanna remain independent so I can publish whatever I want without any repercussions. It just doesn't make sense."

"Maybe they just want to seem transparent and trustworthy," Hadrian said quietly. He was definitely the odd-man-out with his viewpoint on all this Luthorcorp-Star business. "They're going from practically aiding wars to rebuilding communities. A pendulum swing that big requires a lot of convincing," he added with a shrug before sipping his own chai latte.

"Hade, you're too trusting for your own good sometimes," I said with a sigh. "Something else is going on here. They even promised to 'seamlessly integrate' all of our employees."

"Didn't you tell me not to worry about that?" Hadrian spoke up again.

"I did, but let's be realistic, Hade. What tech-related job could the comics department possibly translate into?" I asked.

"Technically, I'm an assistant. I can 'assist' you with anything, I don't draw or do anything comic-related anyway. And you're more than just a comic writer, Lyra. You develop digital designs and VR content all the time for fun. You'd easily transfer into designing blueprints or product models. Guys, I think we're just looking at this the wrong way. It could be an opportunity to be part of something incredible!" he continued to gush, even as Lois and I watched him with disdain.

"Yeah, incredibly evil. I'd put money on the Green Arrow uncovering some great evil plan they have for Star City in the next six months," Lois shot back easily. She picked at the turkey sandwich in front of her, still grumbling about how 'off' everything seemed. "Oh, Lyra, I meant to tell you, they want me to oversee the relocation of some of LuthorCorps' staff the rest of this week and next. I'll be out of town until next Sunday. I have to leave right after lunch. Will you be okay?" she asked, that all-too-familiar scrutinizing glint shining brightly in her eyes as she waited for my answer.

"Of course," I replied blankly. "Besides, I have Hade here with me - even if he is a Luthor cheerleader at the moment," I added with a snort.

"I'm not a cheerleader," Hadrian grumbled. "But we're not gonna sit here and act like the Luthor brothers aren't both insanely hot," he added with a chuckle.

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