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Hey guys, I almost forgot to post this! Anyway, here's the latest chapter. NSFW warning, things get hot and heavy in this chapter and the (other kind of) action picks up too! You're in for a treat! Vote and comment ❤️


The next week at school started out like the start of any other school year, with the add pressure of being seniors now. An undercurrent of buzzing anxiety wafted through all of us, even those who hid behind class clown titles and nonchalant attitudes. Our futures were being decided this year. Whether we'd be attending college or going into the workforce. If we'd get into the schools or positions we wanted - if we even knew what we wanted in the first place. It was odd hearing different cliques discussing their futures. By the time the first week came to a close, it felt like our school had entered some kind of alternative reality.

To my surprise, no one really said anything about Clark and I. I caught a few stares here and there when he walked me to class, but other than the term "sad girl" being completely eradicated from everyone's vocabulary, nothing really changed. Not for me anyway. Clark seemed a little moodier with everyone else now and practically cut out football practice altogether.

As far as our faux-relationship went, there really wasn't much to it. He drove me to school, walked me to classes, dropped me at home and that was it. We'd agreed on having lunch separately away from the cafeteria, so I still had my usual hour to sketch in the wooded area behind the school. I wasn't sure where he went during lunch, but he always found me to walk me to class before the bell rang.

The second week of school would prove to be completely different. Major shift number one? Lex was back. As I sat in my second period class, I wondered what I would say to him when I finally laid eyes on him again. Why hadn't he told me he was leaving for the entire summer? Where did he even go? More importantly, what kind of explanation would I give when we were sitting next to each other in history next class? I didn't have much time to ponder. Major shift number two happened ten minutes after class started.

"Stay away from her!" a voice that sounded a lot like Clark's shouted from the hallway just outside of my physics class followed by a loud crash. A group of students ran to the door, peering out the clear window at the left of it to the dismay of Mrs. Buckley.

"Everyone return to your seats, please," she said in a quiet, bored tone as she made her way to the door herself. She glanced through the opening and her face contorted into one of sheer distress and horror before she slowly backtracked towards her desk.

Students leaned forward in their desks, trying to get a look at the commotion going on outside the room when Clark crashed through the door, smashing right on top of Mrs. Buckley's desk. The desk split in half as Clark's body hit the floor with a heavy thud, his forearms covering his face.

"Oh my god, Clark!" I jumped from my seat and waded through the group of students standing in shock.

The lights of the classroom flickered and two different bells sounded over the intercom. "All students and staff: exit the buildings immediately," a robotic voice rang repeatedly throughout the school. The fire alarm blared, sending the school's ceiling sprinkler's to work and chaos erupted through the classroom as water spewed down on everyone. Students squealed and screamed as Mrs. Buckley tried to instruct everyone to exit through the emergency door at the back of the class.

I was nearly hyperventilating by the time I reached Clark, shocked that he still hadn't budged. "Clark!" I screamed over the echoing blares, kneeling beside him, pressing a gentle nudge to his shoulder. I ignored Mrs. Buckley's yells for me to get out, pulling Clark's arms away from his face. His left eye was badly bruised, already turning yellow and purple, with trails of blood leaking from his forehead and bottom lip.

Indestructible: Superman x BlackOCWhere stories live. Discover now