Nolan Vs. Nolan

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At the thrift store, Nolan and Marva Lynn found the basketball cards of Oscar Robertson and Elgin Baylor. All of the sudden, Nolan Cromwell came by, and his wife Mary and infant son Lance came by as well.

At their house, Nolan C. introduces to Dennis Harrah, Doug Smith and Jackie Slater. They went on to play games at the arcade as the song "Cowboy Man" by Lyle Lovett was played on the radio. Mary was the former cheerleader as she looks at her husband, and the rest of the guys peeps at her.

Nolan and Marva Lynn heard about Lyle and Dwight Yoakam on the radio, and Nolan C. gives them an advice. Mark, Dennis, Scott, Tommy, Dave, Wade and Tim were at the mill as Nolan and Marva Lynn told them about the Rams guys.

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