Tim, the Moody Man

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Kevin, Joshua, Maura and Marty were watching "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" by Orson Welles. It's about Nostradamus. Maura said it was boring, but skipped to the music video of Paul Overstreet's "Seeing My Father in Me." Kevin and Joshua still looks like the other father and son in a music video. Tim was laying on the couch with Jessica, and Laurie was thrilled.

Scott, Tommy, Dave, Wade and Tim hears Keith Whitley's "It Ain't Nothing" on the record. Tim said about making the slideshow of brothers and cousins. Marty and Restless Heart guys were interviewing about how they got here, but Maura and Greg Jennings were hugging each other, and make jealous.

Marty was making a video called "Cousins in Early Years" with the same song Keith is singing. The video clip features Mick and Marla Lynn's love life relationship, Nolan with J.D. McDuffie and Dick Brooks, and Paul and Mick's jamming and singing as Marla Lynn listens. Marty later asked Greg about Maura's marinated shish kabob.

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