Paths of Glory

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Maura and Marty were dancing into Randy Travis' song "I Won't Need You Anymore" on the radio, but the radio is stolen by the larger siblings, and changed to "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne. Marty told the siblings to get out, and brings back their radio.

Dennis, Scott, Tommy, Dave, Wade and Tim were at the mill the next morning as 12 siblings were missing. The radio said that 5 died of cystic fibrosis at a very young age. As the siblings arrived at the mill, the names were Amelia, Brendan, Carl, David, Garron, Harold, Jocelyn, Karla, Lane, Michael, Nathaniel and Patrick. Five siblings had died were Eddie (at age 10), Frieda (also age 10), Ian (age 5), Olivia (age 3) and Quincy (age 1). Dennis calls the police, and found the children safe. Nolan and Marva Lynn heard the radio as the kids found safe, and Maura went to the cemetery for five loved ones.

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