Gone Boys

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Keith and Kelton were trapped in a well as Maura hears John F. Kennedy's speech in 1961 on a cassette tape. Sideshow Bob has escaped again and he sees Marty outside, Marty heard enough of Bob's singing. Marty said that Bob needs to go home or they'll called the police to re-arrest Bob.

Kevin and Rosann were upset about Keith and Kelton's trapped. Scott, Tommy, Dave, Wade and Tim were there supporting them as Randy Cross went on to hired. At the helicopter, Randy got the whole stacks of rope ladder to get Keith and Kelton out. Randy tells the boys what's wrong and they were okay. Another helicopter were news cameramen and they heard Bon Jovi's "I'll Be There For You" on the cassette tape. Nolan and Marva Lynn were watching TV about their twin grandsons' safety.

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