Delphine and Walburga Arrested

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Nolan and Marva Lynn were headed to Delphine and Walburga's house for a visit, and Gary Morris came by as well. Delphine and Walburga started a fire at their house, and was arrested for arson. Nolan and Marva Lynn were frustrated hearing "Second Hand Heart" by Gary on the radio. At the mill, Gary also sang "Why Lady Why" on the radio, Tim said it's not the Alabama song. Pete, Delphine's boyfriend, and Don, Walburga's boyfriend requested for the biggest advice on Dennis, Scott, Tommy, Dave, Wade and Tim.

Delphine and Walburga just found out that they had a stroke, and they stopped smoking. Nolan reads the disease on their cigarettes. The twin sisters were staying with their boyfriends.

At the bar and grill, Gary sings "Baby Bye Bye," Gary gave a big hug for Marva Lynn and Nolan.

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