Chapter 9

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When I opened my eyes to the sunlight, I instantly squinted my eyes and took in my surroundings. There was an arm around my waist and I was pulled up close to a warm body, Jack.

I scooted back a little, not far enough to be out of his touch, but just enough to take in the way he looked. His hair, usually curved up was now flat on his forehead, his eyelids fluttered softly, his blonde eyelashes catching sunlight.

What caught my attention most was his lips, that were usually a dark pink, were now a very light shade of pink. They were parted slightly as he blew little huffs of breath out.

He was beautiful. Yes, he had flaws, the little acne spots on his chin and forehead, little stray hairs, but he was the closest to perfect that I had ever known.

I looked down to his arm wrapped lightly around my waist and smiled. I scooted back towards him and buried her face in the crook of his neck, letting out a content breath.

I felt him stir and his grip on my hips got tighter as he yawned. He looked down at me, and I instantly covered my face because I had just woke up a moment ago.

He laughed lightly and pushed my hands away from my face, planting a light kiss on my forehead. "Morning beautiful," he murmured and smiled at me.

I stood up and took a quick shower, wrapping the towel around myself, moments before Jack burst into the bathroom. I squealed in shock and he burst out laughing. "Damn, I missed it," he said and chuckled.

I swatted his arm and pushed him out, and got ready quickly. When I opened the door I threw all my clothes into my bag and turned to face Jack, who handed me a glass of coffee.

I smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed, blowing on my coffee slightly. "Jack, my plane leaves at 4:30," I said calmly. His head jerked in my direction and he looked frustrated.

"And you are going with me. Regardless, you need to go home and see your mother. She needs you, I need you. You are going," I stated matter-of-factly.

He was going to argue before I stood up and grabbed my bag. "Now we better get going because it's already," I glanced at the clock, "2:13." He groaned and picked his things up and followed me to the car.

Once we got to the airport, we boarded the plane, I took the window seat and he took the one beside me, a boy with bright red hair sat on the outside sending us a small smile before turning his attention to his phone.

I looked out the window as we lifted off the ground, laughing as the red haired boy slightly head banged to his music.

And this time as I ascended into the heavens, my Jack was with me.


Boom guys. Update. Slight filled but the real drama will happen next update 😁

I brought my other fandom slightly into this *cough* .... Michael Clifford.... *cough*

I love you guys❤️


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