Chapter 14

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(Lololol it's 2 in the morning and I can't sleeeeeeeep. And I have tests later today at school and I looked at myself and just went "Oh look at those bags under your eyes, that's a great reminder you have a test today!")

"Kayla, baby girl are you okay?" Jack questioned me for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. "Oh yes Jack, I'm just puking my damn guts up!" I snapped at him.

He cringed and nodded, taking that as his cue to leave and did so. I wrapped my arms around the toilet bowl, trying to find my balance. I grabbed a rag and wiped my mouth off and flushed the toilet before leaving the room.

Jack had left the house to do whatever it was he needed and I dug through the kitchen for something to eat. I found some ramen noodles and heated them up, grabbing a small Hershey's bar to snack on while they cooked.

After the food was cooked, I carried the bowl into the living room and sat down on the couch. Bringing the bowl up to rest on my lap, I picked up the remote to find a show that I wanted to watch.

I settled on Dragon Ball Z vs. Yu-Gi-Oh and propped my feet up on the cushions. I heard the front door open as I chanted "Fuuusion!"

Jack walked in and gave me a weird look as I was eating a small bite of noodles and bouncing on the couch due to the excitement of the episode. In his right hand was a bag from the drug store down the street.

"What's that?" I asked, pausing the episode and placing the remote on the table. He took his bottom lip between his teeth, "Well I've been looking on the Internet... And I think you may be pregnant?"

I nearly choked on my ramen as those words left his mouth, but that would explain it. Morning sickness, weird cravings, cramps, discomfort, random vomiting.

"So these are, Uh, pregnancy tests... I feel like you should take one because it has been two months, nearly three since we had sex.." And he held the bag out to me. I set my noodles down on the table beside the remote and grabbed the bag from his grasp.

I walked into the bathroom and pulled out the box of tests, opening it and grabbing one. I prayed to God that I didn't accidentally get pee on my hand as I held it below me.

I set it on the box and walked out of the bathroom, meeting Jack in the living room. "You have to give it time," I said and looked down at my feet.

He stayed quiet and I took this as the time to address the elephant in the room. "What are we going to do if I am pregnant? Keep it? Would you leave me?"

He walked up to me and grabbed my hand, "No baby girl, if you are pregnant we are going to keep the baby and support him or her like the family we are. We are about to be married, you have a job and I'm getting one, I'll support the baby and we will both love it."

I nodded, sniffling and dropping his hand after giving it a small squeeze. I walked back into the bathroom and grabbed the test, avoiding the part with pee on it.

I walked into the living room where Jack was waiting, tugging on his hair with his hands. He looked up to me and I gave him an unsure look.

"Two solid lines Jack, we're going to be parents."


I suck major ass guys...
But bada-bing bada-bang

I love you all thank you so much for reading this book, (because I know it sucks)


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