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Okay, I was getting fat. I began to develop a waddle now. I was almost there too. We were at day fifty. Sally already had her razors and Eddie and I were due about the same time. I had ten more days and tonight was the full moon. Everything was uncomfortable, just so everyone knows. Everything.... was uncomfortable.

My back, my legs, my feet... oh my feet. My boobs...I didn't have any but when we were Whyk, his teats hurt and were full. The only relief was when Barric licked them to sooth us.

Tesla would rub my feet and my huge stomach. I was the size of a house. Tulip began sleeping in a guest room next door. She never was very far. How sweet.

I couldn't do this without my family and I was scared. I felt Whyk's excitement as the time got closer.

I waddled to the bathroom for the thousandth time in one night and walked back to the bed. Whyk didn't shift at this full moon, he was taking a break before the razors were born.

I laid down, like I could get comfortable. Right, that wasn't happening. I hit my pillow and got mad. "Ughh!"

"Are you okay?" Tesla asked me.

I sighed as I adjusted the body pillow that he bought me. "Can't get comfortable. I'm the size of Heston's house!"

Tesla sat up and laughed. It was a huge belly laugh. At first I glared but his laugh was like an infection and I started to chuckle. Before I realized it, we were both just laughing on our bed as I wiped tears of laughter.

Tesla slowed down. "Mars, you are funny, Baby!" He inhaled.

I sighed as my frustration melted away. "Sorry to keep you up. Get some sleep, Sweetheart."

Tesla looked at me. His eyes traveled up my huge stomach to my face and back down. "You.... call me sir!" He growled.

I stared blank-faced at him. "You can't be serious." I felt nothing close to attractive but Tesla was clearly turned on. I screamed as he jumped at me, gently. Pulled me under him and loved me slowly. He whispered sweet nothing into my ear and I never understood that phrase.

Tesla solved that mystery. He complimented me each time he entered me, and as he pulled out he would kiss me and tell me a reason he loves me. It was so sweet and I felt so freaking loved.

Tesla laid on the bed beside me. He used his hand to wipe my belly off. Gross. I don't know why but he loved touching my... essence. "When you have those Razors, we are fucking for days, Mars. And I won't be gentle!"

I chuckled. "I'm game!"

I stopped because I felt Whyk. He was excited. "Tesla? Whyk..." I couldn't finish the sentence because as pain erupted in my back and belly, Whyk took over and we shifted. He was panting already.

Tesla was up, threw on shorts and was ready. He howled and people came running. Tulip was there holding Whyk's paw, Heston walked in with the doctor. Her name was Adele. I was busy comforting Whyk, who, by the way, growled at me. Like this was my fault!

Whyk was moved from the bed to a nest on the floor. It reminded me of the nest we used to make. Whyk just focused on Tulip and breathing.

I will spare everyone the hours of Whyk sweating and complaining, I smirked and Whyk just glared at me. Ha ha.

We had seven razors and they were just the most gorgeous creatures in the world. I let Whyk clean them and comfort them as they nursed. Tesla wasn't allowed to touch them just yet which surprised me and he didn't try.

I did learn that in my class. The father wouldn't be allowed to touch the babies for a couple of days. Whyk was protective.

I wasn't allowed to take over either. I knew my place. Right now, Whyk was the mom and I was the human until he calmed down. Tulip was the only person allowed in the room once they were born and the doctor, Adele, agreed that he was fine medically, she left too.

Thanks to that class, I was ready and didn't get my feelings hurt as Whyk glared and growled at me.

I gave up and fell asleep. It was so warm and comfortable. Tulip woke us a couple times for food. It was raw so that Whyk could eat. I stayed away and curled up.

I heard Whyk's voice. "Mars."

"Whyk?" I opened my eyes. ""Are you okay?"

Whyk smiled at me. "I'm wonderful and sorry for growling. Do you want to see them?"

I was so excited. "Hell yes!" Whyk chuckled. "Can I see them?"

Whyk smiled at me and touched my face. "Mars, do you know how much you mean to me?"

"Whyk, are you okay?"

He was in tears. "I just never thought this day would come!" His tears flowed down his cheeks.

I hugged him and we cried together for a little bit. It was a sweet moment with my were. "Can I see our razors?"

Whyk chuckled. "Yes!"

He allowed me to take over and I lost my mind. There were seven gorgeous little weres curled up with us. I licked each one and sighed. Three were black or a shade of black like Barric, three were a mix with our gold color and Barric's black. And there was one Whyk Junior. I was absolutely in love with them. They made cute little noises in their sleep and I melted. Whyk joined me as we watched them.

"Whyk, they are gorgeous!" I had tears again. They looked like little werewolves.

Whyk just nodded.

Seeing Tesla walk in to see his babies was gold. I mean it. It was the most beautiful moment. He was in tears as he touched each razor like it was a treasure and talked to them like they were precious jewels.

Now Barric surprised me. Tesla shifted to give the weres some time together and Barric could meet his children. It was magical.

Barric, big bad alpha, melted into goo. He shed tears and bathed each baby and it was so gentle and sweet. The bath took a while but we held each other as Barric greeted each child. His razors. He was so big and seeing him holding and cleaning each small pup was so sexy. Whyk was turned on and I knew I was also.

But it was feeding time. The razors worked their blind way to Whyk's stomach and his teats. Feeding time began as Barric spent time bathing Whyk, who was melted and useless. I left them to their time as I took a nap.

After three weeks in this room, I was ready to get out. I knew that Whyk was also. We were torn. We wanted to run and get fresh air and see the family but we didn't want to leave the razors. They were starting to open their eyes and explore a little. They were so damn cute.

We worried the whole time but Tesla and Barric were with us. Tulip was with the razors with Heston. We trusted them. I laughed as we got to the woods. Whyk took over and we ran through the woods missing our razors the whole time. Barric was beside us the whole time. He was so protective and sexy. Whyk and I both agreed.

We made it without the razors for almost fifteen minutes. A new record. The first time was three and a half minutes. Whyk rushed back to our room, the razors were still sleeping. Whyk proceeded to clean them like a crazy person. I laughed at him.

"Whyk, they're fine. Tulip and Heston were here." I smiled at him and looked up at Tulip. "Thanks, Tulip. Sorry that Whyk is crazy!"

Whyk glared at me but continued to clean the little ones. One got annoyed and tried to get away but Whyk wasn't having it. He trapped him with his paw and finished the bath. The trouble maker was the golden one. He was going to be trouble.

Whyk, My Were SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now