The Nursery

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And I had so much fun!

We sat by the pool, lounged, we were treated like kings. Snacks were delivered frequently, fresh water with fruit infused in it was always cold, lunch we brought and served to us. There were eleven of us here and it was fun. We were all in different phases of pregnancy, some looked ready to burst. I wasn't looking forward to that.

Three of us were brand new to this whole mom thing. Out of the eleven, seven were men and I found that so interesting. We had education classes on all things children. From how to change diapers to expectations when they're twelve. That was the afternoon, it was full of classes and advice. I had a blast and made new friends.

One guy was Eddie and a woman that I sat with, her name was Sally. I never met someone named Sally before but she was so cute and gentle. Blonde hair and blue eyes. She was taller than Eddie for sure and less feminine which was funny.

Eddie was small for a guy and so cute. He was very feminine, his body was small and he was just cute and borderline pretty. I didn't know who his mate was but I hoped to find out. His green eyes were gorgeous and his smile was infectious. He had a very gentle soul.

Sally was already motherly. She never took no for an answer either and the word 'whatever' wasn't allowed in her presence.

I met her mate. He was sweet and attentive to her. I think he was from India or something. They were so cute together. This was their first razor. Or a group of them? I wasn't sure if they would have more than one because every couple was different.

Alabama came to retrieve me for dinner because Tesla was busy. He had a lot of work to catch up on still and I wasn't going to complain. No one knew about me yet and I figured that Tesla would make that announcement later in the pregnancy. I would be wrong.

Tesla stood as dessert was being eaten. "I have an announcement." He watched everyone look up. "We are expecting." He smiled down at me and I blushed like crazy and looked at my plate.

Everyone cheered. Heston stood and rushed to me for a hug. I figured he was the only one allowed to do that. I didn't know and Whyk was still sleeping so I couldn't ask him.

"Good for you, Mars!" Heston hugged me. "Congratulations!" He wiped tears as he kissed my cheek. "I never thought that Tesla would find someone and have razors and I couldn't be happier."

I was red as I hugged him back. "Thanks, Heston." I never expected him to be a good friend when we met.

Dinner ended with hugs from everyone. Hope was last. "Can we meet? If you're not busy?"

"I'm free. You okay?" I was nervous and worried that something happened.

Hope smiled. "Things are great, Sweetie. Come on." We walked to her office and sat. "I just... not every mated couple can have razors."

I was stunned. "Oh. We haven't covered that in class."

"Heston and Tulip can't." Hope sighed. "Not sure what makes one mated couple different from the other but only a select few can be moms. I believe it's a way to keep our population in check. If they don't hit a flare within the first year after mating, no razors."

I sighed. "I didn't mean to rub it in!" I wiped tears that I had no control over. "I never used to cry!"

Hope chuckled. "It's okay. Maybe you could make Heston and Tulip your paladin."

"What is that?" I stared at her made up word.

Hope chuckled. "It's like a godparent as humans call them. A paladin would be your primary for anything you need involving the razors. Babysitter, advisor, comforter, anything. They would even be the razors protector if you guys are out on a trip, a vacation or fuck fest. Whatever."

I blushed at her words and laughed. "Oh! Actually... they would be perfect and I would be honored. What about you and your mate?"

Hope smiled at me. "Don't worry. We're the paladin for a close friend and their razors. That's how we take care of each other, Mars."

I nodded. "Thanks, Hope. I didn't know."

Hope stood and pulled me close. "I know." She hugged me. "That's why I'm here. Now, go. Uh, talk to Tesla first."

I nodded. "Already on it!"

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