All Kinds Of Candy

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Heston was busy the next day and we overslept and missed breakfast. We ate lunch and walked around in our new clothes. It felt nice. People actually waved at me. I went into the barber shop and said hello to Tess but she was busy. She waved.

I didn't have a place and I was feeling sad about it when a shadow appeared. I looked up and it was Tesla. "Hi." I smiled. I was trying to talk more. Oh, just so everyone knows, I was kind of short and the alpha was kinda not short. My face met his shoulder.

Tesla looked proud. "Hello. You're getting better, I see. I like your outfit. Did you have fun with Heston?"

I nodded and closed my eyes. "I did." Talking was work and it wasn't a habit. I watched Tesla. I missed him so much which didn't make sense to me.

"Uh, would you join me for a movie? Would you like to go out with me...? To a movie?" He was so cute when he was clumsy.

I smiled and nodded. I inhaled. Whyk was dancing again and answered for us. "Yes!" He growled. I covered my mouth. I didn't mean to growl at the alpha.

I yelled at Whyk. "That is the alpha! You just growled at the alpha!"

Tesla chuckled. "What was that?"

I blushed. "Whyk answered."

"Whyk answered? Really? Cool!" Tesla smiled. "Hope said you were different. So, Whyk wants to go but do you, Mars?"

I nodded. "Yes."

I hadn't been in so long. There was a theater in town, owned and operated by a family of werewolves. Cool. It was like a dream. I sat with Tesla, smiling like an idiot.

He met me out front with his cool black car. He drove and was a complete gentleman. He opened all the doors and paid for everything. I would find a way to repay him though.

Tesla, being the alpha, got an empty popcorn bucket and ordered every candy, opened them and dumped them into the bucket. It was half full of all kinds of candy just because I said I hadn't had candy in a long time and Whyk had never had candy.

I know, sweet right??

So, the bucket of candy was on my lap and Whyk was chowing down. His favorites were the chocolates. He hated gummies and dots. They stuck to his teeth and he hated that feeling. Junior mints were a huge hit.

Tesla just watched me with a smile. He looked pleased.

The movie was funny. We laughed through it. When I say we, I mean Tesla and I because Whyk was too busy analyzing M&M's. He loved them though but who doesn't!

We had the best time. I missed this. Feeling normal.

I fell asleep on the way back, in Tesla's car. I woke as Tesla was carrying me up the stairs. "I can walk." I croaked out.

Tesla inhaled. "I know." He didn't make a move to put me down.

I looked out and didn't recognize this hallway. I was starting to freak out and Whyk was there. "Easy, Mars. He's our alpha, he won't hurt you. Just let him do what he wants."

I glared at him. "Within reason!"

Whyk rolled his eyes. "Right. Within reason! Hopeful he will take us!" He giggled.

I rolled my eyes. "No. It's not like that so hold on to those hormones, you horn dog!"

Whyk just chuckled at me. I knew he was crushing on the alpha. Who wouldn't though? I was too if I was being honest and I couldn't hide feelings from Whyk.

Tesla stopped at a door. It was a double wooden door. He opened it with ease and I heard it close. I felt so relaxed that I just enjoyed the ride. I felt us being laid down on a soft bed and our shoes were removed. A soft blanket was pulled over us. I fell into a deep sleep after that.


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