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I do not own any of the creepypastas and pictures are mine
! This story will have blood, violence, gore, cussing, and dark themes in general.!

Opening your eyes to sunlight seaping through the blinds you slowly began to awaken from your slumber before covereing your eyes from the blinding light. Letting out a groan of annoyance you slowly sat up and got out of bed. Rubbing your eyes you slowly opened your closet door. Looking through your clothes you chose to wear a light blue shirt and a pair of leggings. Grabbing a few other things before going into the bathroom and getting changed you quickly washed up, brushed your teeth, and got ready for the day. Getting out of the bathroom you shoved your assignments that were still on your desk into your backpack and rushed out of your room and into the kitchen. Entering the kitchen you could see that your mom and your sister were talking over some coffee. "Morning" you said making your presence known. "Oh, good morning (y/n) " mom said giving you a small smile " morning " Natalie said with a frown before taking a long sip of her drink. Opening the fridge you grabbed the lunch you'd prepared last night before grabbing a piece of toast left by the others and putting on your shoes . " Bye guys " you yelled as you rushed out the door "Be careful" mom yelled back. " Don't forget to get the books turned in at the library " Natalie yelled. Running down the sidewalk you quickly wrote down to turn in the library books since you know that you'll probably forget to do it again later on.

Finally getting to school after a few minutes of walking you quickly went to class. Walking into the classroom you sat down and began to looking for your friend Karissa, seeing that she was not here yet you took out your notebook and began drawing. A few minutes later everyone was in their desks and it was time for what us students call hell to begin.


Grabbing all your stuff you quickly made your way out of the classroom and to your locker. Shoving all your supplies in you quickly made your way to the cafeteria knowing that if you didn't get there quick all the good food would be gone. Getting into line you were lucky enough to be one of the first ones in line today. Putting in you ID code you grabbed a chicken patty sandwich and went over to the table you and Karissa usually sit at. She was already eating so you guessed that she brung a lunch from home today. Plopping down next to her she let out a surprised shreak but quickly composed herself " How do you do that? " she said letting out a sigh " Do what? " " No matter how quiet a place is, you always are silent. It's like you're a ninja or something " you gave her a sly grin " Yes, I am the soul survivor from years ago, seeking revenge for my deceased brother en" you said as you dramatically raised your hand to your face. You both began to laugh as you began eating. After a while of talking about things like shows, internet horror stories and events. It was finally time to go back to class. Grabbing your lunches you quickly threw them away and made your way back to your classes.


Once again you packed your things seeing as it was the end of the day. Walking out of the room you found that Karissa was already waiting for you at the door. "Sup" you said shoving her shoulder. She shoved you back letting out a chuckle " You going to the library today ? " " Yeah, I have to turn in some books today " "Okay meet at the front ?" " Yup". You went your seperate ways and quickly grabbed your stuff from your lockers before going to the front door of the school. Meeting up you began to walk to the library which was only a few blocks away. Making it to the library you walked in. Walking to the small seam next to the front desk you took the books out of your bag and pushed them into the slot. Walking through the isles you tried to find some books to check out now that you had turned in the other books. Walking through the manga isle you grabbed the first books of d-grayman and angels of death. After finding no other books that interested you, you began to look through the other categories before finding yourself in the horror section. Searching through it I finally found what you were looking for, The Slender Man by Dexter Morgenstern. It was a very good and welly written book. The story even though it wasn't completely accurate to slenderman's lore was still very interesting so you chose to read it another time. Looking through the horror section a bit more you found no other books of interest. Letting out a satisfied sigh you walked over to the front desk and checked out the books. Looking around you found Karissa sitting at a nearby table reading what seemed to be a fantasy book. Walking over to her you sat down, took your backpack off, and put the books into your bag. You and Karissa stayed in the library for a few hours reading and chatting. Finally choosing to make your way home you began to make your way home. Your houses were on the same street so you both almost always walked together. Walking out of the library you went to the end of the street pressing the arrow button you waited for the small light to turn green. Waiting for a short time you continued to stare at the light till the light turned green, walking across the street you quickly speeded up your pace not wanting the light to turn red before youvmade it over. But soon after speeding up your pace you heard Karissa yell (Y/N)! Looking back youctried to see what Karissa was yelling about. But before you could understand what was happening a large truck hit your side, causing you to be flung into the air before crashing down onto the black tar. The only thing you could feel was pulsing, searing pain from your side and head. Only being able to see the world in a haze you could see a large amount of blood surrounding you and on the front of the truck. A figure that seemed to be Karissa quickly made their way to you screaming and wailing in what you could only call mental pain. All you could do was watch as the world around you slowly became pitch black.

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