4: Explanation and complication

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! This story will have blood, violence, gore, cussing, and dark themes in general
Yes I understand that Masky and Hoodie are from Marble hornets but the story just wont feel righ without them - hybridhyena101

Waking up the next day I found that I hadn't had any nightmares last night which were a good sign. Getting out of bed I chose to keep my devices unplugged. Walking over to my closet I put on a black shirt large black hoodie, grey sweatpants, and a pair of boots. Grabbing my bag I put all my stuff in and contemplated if I should bring my phone or not. Finally choosing to bring it I put it in the front pocket of my bag before going downstairs and making a sandwich. Going outside I locked the door and fast walked to school. Entering the classroom I quickly took out a notebook and began writing down as much information as I could remember on LJ as possible, making sure to have the paper at an angle that made it hard for the security camera in the corner have a hard time seeing it while also looking natural. People quickly began making their wat into the classroom and with them came Karissa. She looked rather tired, which was easy to uinderstand with how much happened yesterday and probably multiple unanswered questions on her mind. Ripping off a piece of paper I wrote that we'd talk about it at lunch. Handing it to her she gave me a small nod before we both looked to the front of the classroom.

When the bell finally rang we expected the normal teacher to come in, but to our surprise two men came in. I automatically knew who they were but quickly changed my expression to neutral as to not arrouse suspicion. The one in the light brown jacket went to the front of the class " Alright, my name's Mr. Wright, I will be substituting for your teacher since he's out sick. This is my assistant Mr. Thomas, please treat us with respect and we will treat you with respect. " Mr. Wright said as Mr. Thomas waved to the class before starting the lesson. Leaving me in a daze and having my mind filled with panic and frustration.


As usual I grabbed a tray, got my food, and sat down in the corner. Waiting there for a bit I ate some frenchfries before Karissa came over and sat down with me. " Okay what the heck happened yesterday? " Karissa said giving me a serious look. I quickly took out my paper filled with LJ's info from my bag  and looked back to Karissa. " Not here " I said pointing my head in the direction of the bathrooms. Getting up I got off of my seat. Karissa got up about to bring her backpack. " Don't bring your backpack or electronics " I said looking back over at her. She looked up at me before taking her earbuds and phone out of her pocket and putting her backpack down.

After that we both walked into the bathroom I quickly checked each stall luckily not finding any people. Turning back to Karissa I took the paper out of my pocket " Read it " I said holding the paper out to her. She pulled the paper out of my hand and read over the information.

" You can't be serious " She said giving me an unamused look. " I'm serious, it may seem crazy but you saw it yourself. You may not have seen him in person but he was definitely in that room with us " I said crossing my arms. " So what do we do?" . " We hope that him and The man' s pawns don't see us as a threat or see us as good toys to play with... " I looked around making sure there wasn't any microphones or anything in the room.
" What do you mean ' The man's pawns' ? ". I looked back towards her " I mean the substitute teacher and the teachers assistant of course, they may not look it but they're his best men " I said before walking towards the sinks to see if there was any microphones over there. " Oh and unplug all your devices, we don't want anyone spying on us. It's also best to talk to me about this kind of stuff through paper from now on since they have a friend that can spy on anyone through electronics " I once again found nothing and walked back over to Karissa. " It's best that we go back to the table before they suspect anything, remember to act as normal as possible" I said as I opened the bathroom door before being followed by Karissa shortly after. We once again returned to our food.


The final school bell rang signalling that all students could go home. Grabbing my backpack I quickly went to where me and Karissa meet when we want to walk home together every so often. making it to the tree I saw that Karissa was already there. Walking together we went over a bit more information about the situation and chose to have me stay at her house overnight for a few days to make it safer for the both of us. I quickly called my mom and asked her about the idea which she automatically answered with a yes. We chose to go to my house first to grab my stuff. Walking inside we went straight to my room. Taking out my duffel bag I stuffed in as many comfortable clothes as possible. I also brung a bag of snacks and a knife and survival stuff just in case something actually does happen. Finally finished packing we grabbed my sleepover supplies and my backpack and began making our way to Karissa's house. On the way there we almost dropped my bags a few times but other than that it wasn't very exciting. When we finally made it to her house we quickly went inside not wanting to hold the heavy bags anymore. Getting into Karissa's room we automatically just dropped the bags on the floor. Looking around I unplugged as many devices as possible. Letting out a sigh I sat on the bed before looking out the window. Karrisa soon after sat next to me waiting for me to either start talking or look over to her. I chose to do number 1, start talking. " It's best to not have a solid plan for anything, we don't know if they're actually working together or how many other pasta's are watching us. For all we know Z- wait, can't say his name in case he actually exists, let's just say a certain demonic entity could exist too. " I said as Karissa gave me another confused expression. " How do you even know about all this stuff " Karrisa said giving me a dumbfounded expression. I looked over at her giving her an awkward smile. " Let's just say m search histories interesting " .


After a while of explaing the more popular and more dangerous creepypasta's we ate some food and got ready for bed. Lying down on a mat that we put out for me we relaxed for a while watching movies and funny videos. Now that I think about it, Karissa isn't so different in this world as I though, there were only a few differences like her clothes and nickname but her personality hasn't really changed. It's a relief that we're even friends in this world. Pulling myself out of my thoughts I resumed watching people fail and fall while laughing with Karissa, enjoying the short time of piece.


Opening my eyes I looked up to see a pitch black ceiling. Getting up I quickly looked around to see myself laying on the platform of a broken down marry go round in a place similar to a carnival. Seeing this I concluded that this must be the work of LJ and I that I had fallen asleep. Jumping down the side of the Marry go round I looked around before choosing to go towards the carnival tents. It's very unlikely that LJ would leave me alone in his domain since he was probably the reason I'm here. But if I actually amuse him or somehow get out of here he might be amused enough to let me live anothert day. Walking forward a bit more I could hear the distant giggle and chatter of children coming from every direction. Looking around quickly I was surprised by the loud chatter. I somewhat expected it but didn't expect it to happen. Letting out a relieved sigh at seeing nothing but the abandoned paths through the carnival I once again journeyed forward. Hoping that something or someone would appear soon.

Walking though the neverending forest of tents I soon found myself in front of the largest tent of them all. light peaked out of the flaps as a small gust of wid went through the carnival. The laughter and giggles of the children had now gone silent, leaving me with nothing but dead silent and the sound of my feet against dirt. Letting out a sigh I prepared myself mentally before walking up to the tents flap and finally entering. Looking around I could see multiple rows of seats placed around the tent in a circle, all facing the middle. There was nothing in the tent other than the seats. Looking around the room a bit for anything else that could possibly be hidden there I slill found no items or sign of LJ. Letting out a sigh of frustration I finally chose the only other possible answer as to how you would start the show. Turning back to the middle of the tent I slowly sat down. As soon as I sat down the room became pitch black, causing me to let out a gasp of surprise. Soon after a large spotlight lit up the top of the tent before being directed to the center where an all too familiar clown was bowing as if being applauded by an audience. " Welcome to the show " LJ looked up from the ground before making eye contact with me, a smirk appearing on his face." Ladies and Gentlemen ".

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