12: ♠

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! This story will have blood, gore, cussing, and violence in general !


Bloody Painter guided us back to Karissa's house before bidding us farewell. By now we were inside getting ready for bed "Hey Y/n, did you really only hear about all those guys through the internet?" Karissa was laying stomach down on her bed, head propped up by her hands as she watched you pull clothes out of your bag "Yeah, I really did originally learn about them through the internet. I already told you, I have interesting search history" you pulled out your night clothes from the bag before going into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. "When did that even happen?" You could hear Karissa shout through the door as you changed clothes " I started looking into them a while ago, I don't remember the specifics but it started around last year". You quickly brushed your teeth before returning to Karissa's room "I mainly read up on the more popular ones, it was rather rare to find new ones that aren't really in the OC department. There's still a lot of them I don't really know".

Turning on the lava lamp you went back over to the door and turned off the lights before getting under the blanket. Saying a quick goodnight to each other you stared up at the ceiling, your consciousness slowly easeing into darkness.


Opening your eyes you looked around finding yourself back on the monochrome carousel of Jack's world. Getting up you took a moment to stretch before getting down from the large plastic horse you sat on top of. Looking around you could see that all the tents were in the same place as last time, nothing had really changed. Walking in the direction of the main tent you once again heard the chatter of children in the distance as you continued forward.

Chattering slowly turning into laughing and cheering as you got closer to the tent. When you finally made it to the tent though, it didn't suddenly pause like last time. Instead it seemed to rise even higher in pitch then before.

Pulling up the flap of the tent you slowly entered before suddenly being blinded by a spotlight being pointed at you. Raising your arm to try to shield your eyes from the bright light you felt the other suddenly being grabbed, on instinct you brung you arm you were originally gonna shield the light with to the wrist of your hand to try and get your arm out of whatever held you's grip. Pulling on it a bit you heard a small chuckle as you turned to look at the person holding you, it was just Jack. Releasing your grasp on his hand you relaxed for a moment before Jack began to pull on the limb in hand. Causing you to have to follow him toward the center of the tent. Walking towards the center of the tent a second light appeared from above to illuminate a circular table, two seats were set up parallel to each other on either side of the table. A tea set laid out across the surface of the table. As we came close to the set of furniture the spotlights seemed to slowly merge together to light up both us and the large table. By now the cheering had quieted down to silent murmuring.

Jack guided you to one of the chairs, pulling the chair away from the table. Coming forward you sat down in the chair before Jack quickly made his way to the other seat. A lackadaisy look on his face.

"So, heard you got to talk with the big man right! Was he what you thought he'd be like? A silent mastermind? Puppet master?"

Lj grabbed the handle of his teacup and took a sip of the fluid inside. Looking down at your own cup you took a small sip before spitting it back out onto the floor. It had in fact not been tea but slightly watered down blood. This action caused Lj to let out a small chuckle at your surprised state.

Rubbing off any liquid still on your face you turned back to Lj,a sour look on your face. "Those definitely are two things that I expected. Though there isn't really any good way to describe The Operator."

Putting down his cup Lj crossed his arms and leaned forward in interest. "And why do you say that?"

Looking around at the inside of the circus tent you thought about how you should explain before speaking.

"I guess I feel that that's the best way to explain him. An undefinable creature. I mean the first ever sighting of him had technically been in June of 2009. Though he is presumed to have lived years, even millennia before that. He is presumed to eat children, yet some say he will make adults and teens disappear if the need arises. There are theories of him being a dark fairy, though the only things to show this as a possibility are some similarities between the technic and choice of prey between the two creatures. In conclusion there is too much possibilities, similarities, and differences between him and other creatures. It is truly impossible for me to explain what The Operator is even if I had every single sighting, kidnapping, document, and missing post memorized."

Looking back to Lj you could see actual shock on his pale face. "What, should I not have said that m-" "SOMEONE THOUGHT HE WAS A FAIRY!!" Yelling out in joy at this new information Lj went into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, his arms wrapping around his stomach as though it were about to burst open. Rolling your eyes at his antics you sat there silently as he continued to laugh until comically falling to the floor.


Standing back up he pulled himself up using the table for support. His laughter slowed to silent chuckling as he loomed over the table.
Recollecting himself Lj finally sat back down in his seat. Arms crossed and silently staring at you.

Staring back you silently sat there for a moment before speaking again "So, anything else you wanna know ?"

The blank stare continued but he finally spoke " I don't have anything to ask but I would like to inform you that I will be at dinner tommorow, I do so very hope you will keep our conversations so far under the radar. HE may not be able to enter that little brain of yours but HE'S very good at picking up hints!"

Lj waggled a pointed finger towards your head before standing up from his chair "Now though I have greatly enjoyed our little chat I must ask that we wrap this tea party up and continue this conversation on another day. Those kids can't murder themselves!". As he said this Lj came over to your side of the table and slowly pulled out your chair before raising his arm to guide you in the direction of the tents exit. Getting out of your chair. You moved out of the way as Lj pushed it in, following Lj to the tent flap you turned around and did a small curtsy before leaving. A bright light blinding you before turning to pitch black. Opening your eyes you found yourself to be back in Karissa's room, a few rays of light shining through the closed blinds at the window.

Yes I know I haven't added in forever. I truly wish to apologize for this fact but this authors note is also very important to this book. I've been skimming through and looking at earlier parts of the book and feel that I should do an entire redo on it. I've looked back at my earlier writing and feel that I can do better than what I've written so far. For example the title and such will change, I will also tweak the story to make sure the plot is more realistic and doesn't lean towards the fanon side of the fandom. So far with the book I've just been trying to connect things and characters together.When I release the redo/continuing version of this book it'll be under a completely different title and description. This version of the story will still be available but for the most part the other one will replace it. When I release the remake I will also put its name here for you to find it more easily. I was curious on how you (the reader) would feel about this. Send me any feedback such as ideas for the book or if you would still likely read it if I chose to remake it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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