10 : Meeting the escort

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! This story will have blood, gore, cussing, and violence in general !
Today I woke up after Karissa, which was kinda surprising since neither of us were morning people. Getting out of bed I chose to wear something befitting the occasion that would be happening in the evening. Putting on a pair of sweatpants, a grey long sleeve shirt, and a black jacket I joined Karissa in the bathroom. I sat down on the toilets top as I brushed my teeth before rinsing and going downstairs to get some food.

Chomping down on the last of my breakfast Karissa came down the stairs dressed in a similar fashion. There wasn't much different except that she was wearing a grey jacket and jeans.

Grabbing an apple and a granola bar she looked up at the clock before grabbing her bag from her room and going over to the front door. Grabbing my bag I soon joined her. Locking up the house we began the walk to school.


Entering the room Karissa and I were quickly met with the stares of the duo. Their expressions seemed to be less hateful and tense then before. Taking in this small fact I quickly moved to my desk before sitting down. Karissa followed behind, still keeping cautious of the two men, which if were being honest probably looked pretty odd to anyone who didn't know about the situation we're in. Looking away from her I glanced back over to the duo before grabbing my assignments out of my bag. Skimming through them I found my papers and began to get to work.


So far the day had been the same as usual. Neither us, nor Tim or Brian made conversation with each other. Sitting down I grabbed a fry from my tray. Lj hasn't appeared today, which was a bit odd since he usually popped up around morning time, but I wasn't too worried. I mean he is a murderous clown who's probably killed millions of children. Grabbing another fry my eyes gazed across the sea of students, trying to find anything that may seem unusual. Finding nothing I chose to put my attention on finishing my food and not worrying about my surroundings.


Entering my last class I nonchalantly dropped my bag next to my chair. Looking up towards random posters on the wall I spaced out not really listening to anything that the teacher was saying. If I had just looked up at the front I'd realize that something very important was occurring.

Hearing the sound of someone placing down their bag next to me I was pulled out of my thoughts. Looking over I found that the person that had chosen to sit next to me had dark black hair and beautiful blue eyes, he wore a black t-shirt and dark blue hoodie, but the most interesting part was that he had a black surgical mask on. Either way it didn't really hide his identity from me. Especially with the dark blue hoodie on, appearance, and the somewhat familiar color scheme. I could easily put a name to a face and this man was definitely a creepypasta. It was Bloody painter. I looked over him as he pulled school supplies out of his backpack before turning to me.

Looking at me for a moment he turned to his notebook before opening it and pulling out a blank piece of paper. Picking up his pencil he quickly wrote something before holding it out to me and turning to the teacher. Looking down at the paper I slowly took it out of his grasp before reading it.

I'm pretty sure you already know me but I'm Helen Otis.
I shall be watching over you and acting as your
Escort since the proxies are busy with some important tasks given to them by HIM. I hope that we get along in the future.
- BP

Reading it over I looked at him a bit surprised. I didn't expect all the proxies to be busy . They must be having a lot of problems if all of them are busy.

Replying back to his note I wrote that I understood and that I also hoped we can become good acquaintances in the near future.
Giving the note back to him he took it without looking. Writing on it once again he gave the paper back to me.

Also if you didn't hear the teacher you have to show me around since I'm new to this school. It's not needed but it would be best for both of us if we do this small task.

Reading this I chose to leave it at that, not wanting to bother him any further I folded the paper up before inserting it into my pocket and turning my attention to the teacher.


After all my classes Helen found me rather quickly, having him tail behind me I soon after met up with Karissa and we began the journey back to her house.

" Who is this guy " Karissa whispered into my ear. " He shall be our escort, keep in mind that we should act normal around him. There's no point in trying to act overly polite or anything " . I said keeping my voice at an even tone.

" Really! " Karissa looked between me and Helen. Most likely not thinking he'd be dangerous at all due to his build.
" Appearances can be deceiving. For example a little girl in a pink dress covered in blood holding a teddy bear. Isn't that right Bloody Painter? " . By now he'd stopped walking, glaring at me from behind his mop of hair that covered most of the upper part of his face. " Don't cross the line (y/n) , if you might be found in a ditch somewhere " The malice was clear in his voice.

Turning around to face him I continued moving in the direction of the house. Raising my arms up I began to walk backwards as I spoke.

"Don't worry, I couldn't do much to her anyway ". Hearing this he began to relax his posture, but it still wasn't the same as before "Alright, please refrain from speaking of these sort of things in the near future ". With that he resumed walking, quickly catching up with us we soon after made it to Karissa's house. Going inside I held the door open letting Karissa and Helen inside. Going upstairs with Karissa Helen stayed downstairs waiting for it to be time to leave for the meeting.


(Helen):* Holds out paper before dropping it*
(Y/n and Helen): *Stare at paper in disappointment*

(Y/n): *Stares at Tim and Brian*

(Tim and Brian):*Stare back*

(Karissa): Soo, are you guys gonna fuck orr?

(Brian): Pfft *Spits out coffee*

I'm really sorry that it took so long to publish this chapter. I was gonna have it go all the way to the meeting but I felt really bad for not publishing anything for so long. I've been too busy with schoolwork to add to this story so the next chapter might take a while to be published. Once again I am sorry and will post the next chapter as soon as possible

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