8: Possible meet

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! This story will have blood, gore, cussing, and violence in general !
If you haven't read the note at the bottom of the last chapter please read it. Also please understand that this story goes rather slow since I'm still putting together the plot for it. Thank you for the support and I hope you have a good day :) I also won't be able to add to this story often because school started recently, meaning longer wait time when I already don't add often. Sorry everyone QuQ

- hybridhyena101

" So, you okay " " No, my head huurts "

After waking up from Slenders domain I couldn't sleep. Meaning I was awake until morning, and to make it worse I could barely breath for like 30 minutes.

Laying my head against the cold desk I closed my eyes for a moment before hearing heavy footsteps coming towards me. Opening my eyes I looked up to see that Tim was standing a few inches from my desk. " Good morning (y/n). How was your night? " Raising my head I scowled. " How's your car? Still got all those dents? ". He smiled at me chuckling while staring me down in a way that seemed to say " I'm gonna kill this brat ". " Yup, still haven't gotten the bumper fixed , I just hope nothing like that happens again " a smile plastered on my face seeing the sentence as a threat. I'd somewhat gotten used to my terrible situation, it could be because my knowledge, or I'm just mental, but it helps to not be terrified all the time. " Well tell the tall man I say hi. I'd like to talk to him soon if possible ". Tim's eyelids raised a bit at my statement, seeming to be surprised by my answer. " I'll talk to him, see if he has any time " his smile had turned into a frown by now. Finishing his sentence he walked over to the other students who entered the classroom, greeting them in a similar way. Brian was at the front of the classroom, sorting through papers, but I could feel his eyes peer at me every now and then as the class began.

Pulling out a few papers I was given yesterday I went over some of the questions I answered checking my work. Half listening to what Tim said to the class I doodled a small proxy symbol on my paper before a hand slammed another piece of paper on my desk, causing me to jolt back in surprise. Looking up I saw that the hand belonged to Brian, he gave me a quick glance before going to the desk behind me as he put down a copy of the paper hearing chuckles from the other students. Looking from Brian to the paper I began reading it over, choosing to begin on the paper as soon as possible as to not be frustrated by it later.


As soon as the bell rang I began packing my things. Putting away my papers I grabbed my homework from yesterday. Going to the front of the classroom I stood in front of Tim's desk waiting for him to take the paper. Glancing up at me he put his hand out gesturing for me to hand him the paper. Giving him the paper I turned to the door about to leave before he spoke again. " (Y/n) " I turned back to him " If HE does have time, I'll get back to you soon " . Giving him a nod I turned around and went to my next class.

Going into the hallway. I made it to about halfway to my next class before stopping, turning towards the lockers, and banging my head on it. " Why did I say thaaaat. I'm an idiooot." I kept banging my head on the locker a few more times not really caring about the weird looks from the people around me. Banging my head one last time against the locker I turned back to my next class took in a large gap of air, and went in, ignoring the pulsing caused by me hurting myself as a way of punishment for causing trouble for Karissa and myself.

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