5: Questions, questions, questions

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! This story will have blood, violence, gore, cussing, and dark themes in general
Getting out of the bowing position he stood at his full height and slowly strided over to me. I was terrified at the idea of being near him, the creature that would get to choose if I lived or died as long as I was in this place but chose not to move. Moving would only cause more danger to me. LJ finally stopped in front of me, staring down at me with a wide grin. He slowly went into a crouching position. Now at the same height as me. " So, how'd you know? " He said, positioning his head on his hand. " What exactly are you asking about? " I said, trying to keep myself from showing how worried I was.

" Oh, ya know~ " He stood up walking to behind me before tightly holding both my shoulders in an iron like grasp " that I was in there and that I was the problem~ " he said in a sing song tone. I gulped down my saliva, anxiety bubbling up inside. " Let's just say I know more then I should " I said looking up at him. " Aww, come on. Tell me how " He said as a pout formed on his face, spinning childishly. I sat there in silence for a moment before coming up with an idea. Looking up at him with a smile on my face I put together the idea. " How about this? " . Laughing Jack looked over at me, intrigued as to what I wanted to say " How about I answer your question, and you'll answer my question. " I happily chimed, hoping he'd be interested. " Ooh sounds interesting, alright then!" LJ said as he put his hand out as if he were going to do a handshake. " But there's a catch " I said, not raising my hand yet. He looked at me with a confused expression before it quickly changed back to a toothy smile " And what's this catch? " .  I stared him in the eye, now having a serious look on my face " We can only ask 2 questions each " . He pulled back his hand, stroking his pretend beard for a few seconds before putting it out again to once again do a handshake. " Alright, I'll keep you to that~ " He said watching as I pulled up my far to long shirt sleeve and shook his hand.

Finishing our little handshake he gripped onto my hand, pulling me from my sitting position " Alright, while we're thinking up our questions, why don't we have some popcorn or candy " He said, pulling me over to things like carnival games and a popcorn maker that seemed to have appeared out of thin air. Slipping my hand out of his grasp I stopped, not wanting to follow him this close. " I'm sorry Laughing Jack but I already ate before I got here, you can eat if you'd like but I am alright " I said giving him an apologetic smile. He stared at me a moment before resuming his walk " Alright then, your loss ". He pulled a medium sized black bag out of his pocket. Pulling out a few plastic wrapped candies before putting the bag back in his pocket. Unwrapping a candy he put the candy in his mouth before looking back over at me. " Have you got all your questions ready " He said, turning back towards me. " Yes, I believe so " I said, staring at him as he unwrapped a few more candies and stuffed them into his mouth. " Alright then I'll go first, where'd you learn about me from? " LJ said watching me with interest.  I stared at him, trying to figure out how to answer that before choosing to just say "  The Internet " . LJ looked at me puzzled before realizing that I technically had answered truthfully. He seemed amused at my choice of words before telling me to ask my questions and saying he'd ask his second question last. Agreeing to this I chose what I should ask first " Are you working with HIM or have contacted any other killers like you recently? " I said, hoping this would help me clear up our situation with Masky and Hoodie. " Hmmmm, well I chatted with Candy Pop recently but not anyone else " LJ said faking a thoughtful expression " I haven't talked to HIM in a while either " Lj said looking rather agitated when he said HIM. " Okay then I'll say my second question " I pulled up my sleeves finding them to be rather annoying at the moment " Do you still plan to kill me or my friend in the future? ". There was a long pause as LJ stared at me, his expression unchanging as he seemed to almost become a statue before suddenly becoming even scarier than he was before, pure joy shined in his eyes, his smile somehow becoming even wider then it was before, a murderous aura surrounding him, causing me to take an unvoluntary step back. " Who knows, I might let you live with how entertaining you are " He crossed his arms over his chest. His aura right after saying that once again was cheerful. He was now back to his normal self, not sensing any more bloodlust I let myself untense. At the very least what he said was a good thing, this meant he might actually let me live since I'm entertaining.

Remembering that it was his turn I felt a bit tense but kept my smile up " Alright, your turn " . LJ hummed a tune, once again having a thinking expression on his face " I've got it! " He said putting his face a bit too close to mine.  I pulled my head back a bit surprised by the sudden action.

" What's your name? " I looked at him confused by the question before he spoke again. " I didn't get it when we first met so I'd like you to tell me it " He said as he did a few spins and jazz hands. The act made a true grin come to my face letting out a small laugh I said " (Y/n) ". " Well then (Y/n) " LJ bowed " Thank you for watching my little show ". As he said that I began to feel drowsy, my body suddenly choosing to stop working. Letting me fall onto the ground. My eyesight soon becoming pitch black before suddenly finding body working again. Rising up I opened my eyes to see that I was once again in Karissa's room. Looking over I saw that she was still peacefully sleeping on her bed, safe and sound. Letting out a sigh of relief I layed back down staring at the ceiling while taking in all the information I had recieved from LJ. So the next question I had to have answered was...

Why were Masky and Hoodie acting as our teachers and if they really were targeting us.

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