3: Uh oh clown man (:

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! This story will have blood, violence, gore, cussing, and dark themes in general. !

Walking down the road I found that the school was rather close, it also seemed to even be named the same as the school in my world,  meaning this could possibly be a different universe or maybe a different timeline.

Walking inside I went to the classroom that I usually went to in my other life ad sat down hoping it was the same. After sitting there for a while more people began to come in. No one gave me odd stares so I was most likely in the right place. "(Y/n)!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I suddenly felt someone put their hands on my shoulders which made me flinch in surprise. Hearing laughing from behind In looked behing me to see someone that looked a lot like karissa but had dyed hair and more dark colored clothes. " Hey Karissa how's it going " I said hoping that I seemed normal. " Pretty good, mom got made at me again though, and I told you to call me Chris remember." Karrisa said while crossing her arm and making a pouty face. " Right sorry, I forgot " I said panicing on the inside at how different this world seemed from mine. " Anyway have you heard about that murder down a few blocks? " Karissa said sitting down in the chair beside me. " Hmm no I haven't, what happened? " I lay my head down on the cold desk top. " Apparently a Mother killed her kid. I heard some rumours that the kids guts were strung up on the walls and there was bits of candy stuffed into the kids stomache and mouth. Pretty interesting right." Karrisa put her hands behind her head and leaned back. I also heard that the mom kept saying it was the clown that did it. Pretty creepy! " . Hearing her say this I was rather surprised at how familiar it was to a story me and Karissa read a while back in my other life. " Doesn't that sound a lot like Laughing Jack?" I said raising my head from the desk and instead propping it up on my hand.

" Huh, what are you talking about? " Karrissa gave me a confused look. " You know, creepypasta? " I said also giving her a confused look. " What's creepypasta, sound weird! " Karissa let out a chuckle. I was about to explain when the bell rang and the teacher began to speak. I gave her one last glance before turning to the teacher not listening to the lesson but instead trying to figure out why Karissa didn't know who LJ was.


After a few more classes it was finally lunch time. Grabbing a tray I got my food and sat down at a table in the corner away from people. Pulling out my phone from my bag I quickly went to google and searched up creepypasta. Once the webpage finally finished loading there was no results at all. I tried searching it a few more times before trying to put a few creepypasta characters names. I tried slenderman jeff the killer and eyeless jack but only got a few random pictures like a few slenderman sightings ar just random pictures and missing person reports. I let out a sigh of frustration. This probably meant that the murder was just coincidentally similar and that creepypasta most likely didn't exist. Looking over I could see that Karissa was making her way over to the table. " Sup " I said giving her a small wave as I pulled of the top of my burger and spread ketchup on the patty. " Hey, I just got an Idea! " Karissa said seemingly overflowing with excitement. " Why don't we sneak in and check out that murder scene! " I couldn't hold back my surprise at her words as I choked on my milk before quickly putting down the carton. " Wouldn't be a big problem if we get caught though? " I said feeling a bit uneasy about the idea. " Yeah but they should be taking away the body tommorow and this'll probably be the only chance we'll ever have to see a dead body. Plus even if you're not coming I'll just go by myself so pleeeeease come with meee?" She once again gave me a sad face but this time she had her hands together in a way similar to praying.

I grew silent for a minute thinking about the likely hood of getting caught. It had high risk but if we did it right we could easily get away and if it really did look like a Laughing Jack murder case it would be totally worth seeing. I gave her a smile " Fine but were only gonna take a look and then were going straight back out okay " I said my smile turning into a serious expression. " Okaay!" Karissa said putting her fist in the air as a form of celebration. " Tonight at 11 okay " Karissa said with a large grin plastered on her face. I quickly agreed and we went back to eating.

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