2: Wow, this is new...

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! This story will have blood, violence, gore, cussing, and dark themes in general. !

To be honest I didn't really know how I should do this chapter and to be clear the reader will be a female - hybridhyena101

When your consciousness finally came back you could only see black after a short time, you could feel pressure against my head, the pressure was very powerful and painful. I began to see light, opening my eyes I found 
myself looking up to a (favorite color) cieling, which definitely wasn't the color of my cieling.
Realizing this I quickly say up finding that I was in a room rather similar to mine but had grey walls and pictures on the walls that were mainly of trees and forested areas. Looking around I could feel  fear and panic began to take over before remembering what happened and getting the memories of someone else that seemed to be the owner of the body I am in, they  seemed to also be named (Y/n). Thinkinging about where I was and how I felt I did what anyone else with a mindset like mine would do, come up with the answer being transported into another world.

Taking a moment to breath I inspected the room closer. Walking over to the closet I opened it so see mainly jeans, sweatpants, and long sleeve t-shirts. I also found that a mirror was attached to the door. Looking into the reflection I could see that I was a completely different person.

This body had a sharper jaw, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, taller than I was, and luckily was a girl. Grabbing a pair of grey sweats, a red t-shirt, and a black hoodie I went to the bathroom
and put the clothes on the sink feeling rather embarassed at the fact that I was techniquely taking the clothes off of someone elses body.

Taking off the clothes I already had on I quickly put on the other clothes letting out a sigh of relief before brushing my teeth and going back into the bedroom. Looking around I found a backpack, after grabbing a few more things. I went out of the room and down the stairs finding no one there. Which going off off of the memories given to me was pretty common, she didn't have a good relationship with her mother, her father left, and she didn't have many close friends. 

Opening the fridge I grabbed an apple, took my keys off the key hook near the front door, locked up the house, and began to make my way to school.

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